Congress has raised their salaries 9 times in the last 18 years. They have, largely, become the elite and are out of touch in every possible way, but most significantly financially. No other portion of our country is able to vote pay raises for themselves. We should write a bill limiting the pay for both chambers of the house to the median income of Americans. Additionally, lobbyists should be charged with bribery when offering any incentives to create or push through legislation that benefits their agenda.
Government workers, or workers of any type, should not be allowed to set their own wages or benefits packages. There should be an easily defined process to determine salary; such as, the average salary of an American worker. If it doesn’t pay excessively, maybe we would attract people who actually desire to implement the will of the people rather than attract people who want to get rich on the backs of taxpayers. I would think that term limits would not be as much of an issue. It should be more in line with community service rather than playing benevolent overlord seeking riches and power. Their golden retirement and healthcare should also be addressed: social security and obamacare, just like the rest of us.
Congress should not get any pay increase until they do their job and submit a balanced budget. Once they’ve accomplished that, they should only be allowed to get an increase equal to the social security cost of living increase.
In addition to this very valid proposal, I would add that all government employees should be given wage increases based on performance. Government agencies and departments should have objectives. These objectives filter down to the individual government employees within these departments. Raises should be given based on achievement of these efficiency or performance objectives. Companies in the private sector, as a general rule, don’t keep rewarding their staff for failure or inefficiency. We shouldn’t be doing so in the public sector either.