This may not be what some people want to hear. Some would rather lock criminals up and throw away the key. BUT why is the rehabilitation of criminals just not there in the United States? Why do we have some a high rate of recidivism? We have the highest rate of incarceration and one of the highest rates of recidivism in the world. Obviously what were doing isnt working. We need to establish a better game plan for how we treat the criminals, how to get them the help they need, the justice system has failed far too many people in this country! As I said, I know a loy of folks will disagree with me. But the facts are in the statistics. Criminals in the United States are not getting the proper treatments and rehabilitations they need. To add to this, the parole and probation system is designed to have people fail. I have watched people get sucked into the black hole that is our justice system that is designed that once youre in it, youll never get out. Simple fact is criminals are humans, they make mistakes and get caught. Yes they deserve punishment. But they also deserve a chance to change and start fresh! I love donald trump, and I voted for him but if a felon can become president, we need to loosen what jobs are allowed background checks(not saying every job shouldnt background, but theres no reason why a felon cant work for walmart or dollar general). We need to outlaw the ability for landlords to deny housing due to felony status. If they cant get jobs and put a roof over their head, theyre simply going to go back to what they know WILL pay their bills. We do not give them a chance most times to get better and do better. So I am here to say its time to make a change for the better! To start pushing the corruption out of the justice system. To start rehabilitating better. Because obviously, simply locking them up and stripping them of most rights ISNT working!
As Ive stated multiple times in this, I know this probably isnt going to get much good attention. But I ask of anyone reading this, hear me put here. Most people over look prison reform. Out of sight, out of mind. But too damn much of our tax dollars are going to having so many prisoners becayse they were never given a chance.
I agree that people in prison are not lifted in a manner that will promote healing. The abuses and conditions in our prison system are abhorrent. It is a brick wall even attempting to get information about loved ones. Everyone is often lumped together regardless of their crime. Many teach others to become more criminal and many become victims of abuse not just by other inmates but staff as well. Programs at least in my state are not mandatory and inmates can basically sleep all day and do nothing rather than learning how to function in a meaningful manner. We all need a purpose and learning skills, addressing issues, especially severe mental health issues such as schizophrenia. Inmates are human and should be treated as such, using food as a weapon or stripping individuals naked and leaving them nude is criminal, these abuses occur, and no one does anything. Reform programs are overwhelmed and move slowly due to the bureaucracy and limits of those outside the institutions. If you treat people like animals, stacked on top of each other, you will perpetuate problems, especially when they feel there is nothing to live for or anything constructive to do. This applies even to those that are serving long sentences.
Needs to be reform in the way our criminal justice system works that gets people in prison to begin with as well. A system that encourages people to plead guilty to crimes out of fear of lengthy sentences. People avoid trial because going to trial is often a rigged. I’ve seen a mistrial (hung jury) forced back into negotiations and come back within minutes with a sentence that should have been a new trial, however the jury was tired and hungry. After hours and hours over days of irrelevant testimony, meant to wear them out. Literally watching jurors sleep during the trial…Jurors should not be sitting through a trial for ten hours at a time, multiple days in a row. System overhaul needed for sure, we do not encourage people to utilize their right to trial and once incarcerated, they are not encouraged to be better or learn…yes it is an option for some but often you are made to wait to enroll in programs, in addition, you cannot take part if you have violations.
Treatment, anger management, life skills, and others maybe based on your crime should be mandatory. Inmates should be made to be active in growth and not dehumanized in the prison system.
I agree that we must lift up those in crisis. Those who end up in the prison system are there typically as a result of some type of early trauma. The prison system that we currently have in place only adds to this trauma. Then when they get out, they can’t find a job and typically have large fees they have to pay to private probation companies .These private companies often have Judges on the board or the Judge actually is part owner. This has got to stop! I have met so many people that are stuck in this system with no way to thrive. I am currently providing support to two people in my home who were homeless. Coaching them through navigating the system, finding employment and teaching them life skills. We need better programs to assists them when they get out. Many people have ended up in jail as a result of drug abuse that started with some kind of injury and addiction to prescription drugs (opioids ). Even when though they are clean when they come out of prison, they typically can’t maintain this for long because of the lack of support. Be the change folks! Get involved , the government isn’t going to save society. We must do our part!
Because many prisons are nothing more than money makers. They don’t actually care about what happens to individuals as long as they can treat them like dirt and make profit off of them. It’s ironic that those who have felonies can’t vote but those with 34 felonies take office soon.
These people should have to do time doing
community service after release with accountability and no exceptions. Example: you do 4years time do 4years community service no exceptions to the time equal time for each