Remove privatization of prisons

Ban the private ownership of prisons thus removing the financial incentive to keep petty criminals behind bars. No one deserves to do several years over marijuana or petty theft. The prison system needs to be reserved for CRIMINALS. Keep financial gains for incarceration out of the courtroom.


Not only should American prisons not be privatized- we need entire prison system reform.

Which calls into question the American legal system. It’s no secret it is defunct. Guilty people are given a slap on the wrist or let go entirely. And the wealthier you are, the more likely you can hire a fat cat lawyer, or buy out judges and jury.

It disturbs me to see child rapists receive shorter sentences than people with simple possession charges. It disturbs me a parent can physically abuse and attempt murder on their partner and the courts still will grant parental rights. No parent should have to worry about the safety of their children like that.

Prisons should be reformative. Not a privately owned business designed to keep poor, uneducated minorities under their boots.
Why should our tax dollars pay for convicts to have a personal tablet? It shouldn’t. Prison is supposed to make you want to say “wow; that was terrible. What can I do to ensure I never have to experience that again? How can I change for the better? I would rather be a contributing member of society.”