Our justice system is broken. They lock up more individuals that didn’t do crimes than the ones that did the crimes. They also give them higher sentences. Our prosecutors are telling them if they don’t take the deal, they’ll do life in prison. Besides having a family member in the prison system, and because of this, there are thousands of inmates that don’t belong in prison. They also are feeding them food that says not for human consumption. They treat them like they’re garbage and not only do they make them pay for stuff while they were in there they make the family pay for stuff. This has to change. We need a mass release of many prisoners. I am not talking about murderers and rapists.
Part of the problem is the prison system is for profit. The more people in the system the more money the prison system makes. This is actually a quite complicated issue. There is far more to it than just petty theft and misdemeanors being in prison. Also, part of the problem is people take a plea deal when NOT guilty or admit guilt when not guilty. When people are innocent they should make the state prove the guilt but then that leads to the state will frame, plant evidence etc to make a person seem guilty. Does that stem from kickbacks from the prison system for keeping it stocked with people? IS it just to keep the wins higher than the losses for DAs and Prosecution. Then juries can be bought or hung. ITs not just simple. The law is for law abiding people. Justice only works with societies who are moral and law abiding. This includes those who run the system. There would have to be a cleaning out of the justice system of those corrupting it. The people have to stop accepting plea deals. The people have to stop putting themselves in positions to have to even be arrested. ITs just not simple.