Vaccine freedom for your animals! Revisit the Rabies vaccine law!

We are over vaccinating our animals. Stop pushing vaccines. Health over profits. Educate risks before vaccinations. Freedom to choose. Revisit the Rabies vaccine law,


To add to this rabies vaccine policy, making titer testing more affordable as the mainstream way to check status of first vaccine immunity as over vaccination causes rabies miasm, seizures and neurological damage


Yes, vaccines for our animals are way overdone. I also want no mRNA vaccines in our food animals! I’ve done tigers for years, but it is expensive. The last time I had my two mares vaccinated they were very sick for an entire week. Won’t be doing that again!


Titer testing for all animals. No more over vax esp rabies.


Have ya’ll ever seen what rabies does to a human? Or even the rabies “cure” if it’s caught in time?
Id rather vax my fur babies then ever see a child go through that.


I suggested titer testing. There’s no reason to over vaccinate any animal. Titer testing shows enough immunity and that’s with all vaccines. My dog got extremely sick from it.


Agreed but I had 2 dogs getting a bad reaction from the rabies shot!! Rabies vaccine reaction very common!! Vaccine ingredients needs to be looked at as it triggers something it should not, Pharma do not care or do any research with any shots out there and it’s wrong!


The rabies and bordetella are necessary vaccines as they are very dangerous, but after your animal reaches the age of 1 all other vaccines are unnecessary. The law for rabies having to be done by a professional should be revisited as all vaccines including rabies can be purchased rather cheap at your local feed stores and super easy to administer at home. In Texas rabies it is not valid without a professional. It would be nice not to have to pay for an office visit or the jacked up price of the vaccine for something I can do myself!


If a rabies vaccine requirement will not be eliminated, I’d also request to revisit the requirements for animals kept indoors only. There is little to no risk for indoor only animals, and that is a chance I’d rather take than risk killing my boys. Both of my cats are strictly indoor, and never come in conctact with other animals. There’s no reason they should be vaccinated for rabies, let alone any others. I have a friend who lost her young and healthy cat within a day of getting vaccines.


Great idea. Especially since Nicotine cures rabies and many other things, which is why it’s been demonized over decades for specific agendas.


This is wonderful idea. Also i would add since we have 3 year rabis vaccines. We are freely given those instead of the yearly one. We also want no MRNA in our vaccines.

Bordetella is Kennel cough. Most dogs not kenneled are not at risk.

Thanks for mentioning that I realized I hadn’t put that in later

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