In light of what we now understand about the Covid debacle, I believe it is time we took another look at pet vaccinations.
Despite being brainwashed for decades about the need for this, we have no proof that there has ever been a single case of a domestic cat or dog having rabies in the entire country, ever.
However, there is ample proof that these vaccines are causing horrible disease and death by way of kidney disease, liver disease and various cancers.
Of the many cats and dogs I have had the pleasure of owning, the majority of my pets were vaccinated and died of kidney disease, liver disease and cancer. The few I have rescued from the wild, and who never received a vaccine, lived extraordinarily long lives. You have to ask why that is.
Currently most states require mandatory vaccination for cats and dogs and it’s prematurely killing our pets. To deny local law is risky and can carry severe consequences and hefty fines.
As long as we are looking into vaccines with human health I would like to see us do the same for our beloved furry family members. Thank you.
I agree. my veterinarian has found active antibodies in the offspring of parent & grandparent vaccinated dogs. over vaccination puts pets at risk for autoimmune vaccinosis refucing lifespan, paralysis, heart issues. it happened to my dog. additionally, health officials typically have NO background in veterinary medicine & despite the presence of serum antibodies will mindlessly insist on vaccinating. This begs the question of the unholy alliance between vaccine manufacturers & professional veterinary & medical organizations
Totally Agree
Too many adverse reactions from vaccines in general and no proven benefit. Corruption between pharma and legislators is why laws requiring vaccines for animals (and people) exist. Eliminate all laws requiring ANY vaccine and financial gain for anyone who sells/administers them. Personal experience with my dog attacked by another dog showed me the rabies vaccine is useless when I presented proof of vax in my dog but was required to show proof of vax in the attacking dog or my dog would be taken from me! What good is it if it doesn’t protect the vaccinated dog?? The whole system is corrupt for financial gain AND it’s harming/killing our animals.
And did you know that if your animal is bitten by a rabid animal you can clean the wound, put a nicotine patch over it, and it will kill any rabies virus? They don’t advertise that now do they! Of course not. They are killing our pets as well as us.