Protect our pets from over vaccination

We are forced to give our pets the same exact vaccine each year when they have built the needed antibodies on their first dose. Make the vaccine dose dependent. An 8 pound dog will receive the same dose (1ml) as a 140 pound dog. Too many of our dogs and cats are getting injured or killed because of over vaccinations. The pharmaceutical industry is behind this and vets are forced to comply


100% agree. Vets are REFUSING to treat any pet not UTD on vaccines. Many have pre existing health conditions that if given a vaccine can make them sicker or kill them yet still vets will INSIST on vaccinating them even though the vaccine label clearly states, DO NOT ADMINISTER TO SICK ANIMALS…it should be OUR right to choose whether we want to vaccinate our pets


And the 3 year rabies shot comes from the same bottle as the 1 year. Replace titers with vaccines and allow titers to be used as proof of immunity for groomers, kennels, etc.


Also add: remove Thimerosal (mercury) from rabies and other required by law vaccinations. Remove mandate and allow titer test to be used to determine IF another rabies vaccination is warranted. These vaccinations are causing many health issues/death with our pets. Many vets won’t even entertain if asked for a titer, some will use it against you and threaten to report as it’s a state law. It makes it easy for someone to come after someone even if the pet still shows blood work of rabies antibodies. They are doing the same thing to our pets as they are doing with the pharmaceuticals in humans. It needs to be revisited and updated to new research and studies. Pets are suffering and dying as we wait around for someone to stand up and change these guidelines, laws and mandates. We know the vets and pharmaceuticals will not do this as it’s making money for them. With healthier pets, their drugs and vaccines won’t be needed to the extend they have it now. Their bottom line will decrease. It’s one big money making scheme at the expense of the health of us and our pets! They lobby to have laws changed and configured to guarantee to a point that they will make money. They push vets to push their drugs and these drugs are causing other problems. They have a pill for the other problems. It’s a vicious cycle and I started experiencing it with my pets around 2004 and its gotten worse.

Their foods (dry specifically) need to have some oversight. Made in America and sourced from quality countries and sources. For example, some dog foods do not have taurine. Both dogs and cats need taurine for heart health. Lack of this can cause Congestive heart failure among other problems. To an unaware pet parent who lacks this knowledge and thinks they are buying a complete balanced nutritional dry dog food will suffer the consequences. It’s quite a sad moment to learn the food (lack of nutritional requirement) that was being fed to their pet for years may have been the culprit. This will put pet owners on a downward spiral at the vets office. Something that could have been totally prevented by feeding a diet with required nutrients. Pet parents are then owned by the pharmaceuticals (various heart meds and diuretics) to attempt to keep their pets comfortable while they slowly die from this dreadful disease. I had two dogs of different species whom did not have a prerequisite to Congestive heart failure die from this. I learned (too late) a very hard lesson that their dry dog food was not adequate. Before getting a new dog, I had to research-,short of getting a veterinarian degree, to keep my new pet from experiencing these health conditions. Because of this, I do not trust the veterinarian or dog food industry any longer. Some dry dog foods are made in China or other shady countries I wouldn’t trust. Some have mold mixed in. I now feed my pets raw. If a company is going to manufacture complete nutrition dry or processed raw dog or cat food, they should at least have the basis of what these animals need or they are just working for the veterinarian and pharmaceutical folks to create health issues in our pets to make more money!


Thank you, Drew Jones, for adding this! It is also very important to include.


There is a veterinarian in Connecticut his name is Dr. Robb He came out with his information Possibly longer and stated that the rabies shot is a one time a lifetime for a dog, probably cats as well. But this is The reason why are pets are getting cancer and the Specific area where those shots have occurred. I’ve lost Dogs at five years of age and I’m talking purebred. And these dogs are like children to me and to some people I know that some people don’t understand that , I don’t have children…emphasized text


I fully agree with you. This has to end. As well as using animals for experiments - like Fauci did. Let’s partner with groups that already work to protect animals from being exploited by scientific experiments, like The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.


How does this get moved forward to a vote link, I’ve only been able to click on 1 vote icon for an issue.
My dog developed stomach issues for no reason after vax (I used MMS/CDS to heal her)and my cat stopped eating and got deathly ill 4 months later; he was only 6 years old at the time. He recovered, luckily and was not forced to vax again at that time but not now-Indiana law being forced on my dog to get in to see vet.
Now my cat has lost a ton of weight, (all the symptoms of hyperthyroidism) thank goodness I’ve been treating him homopathically with CDS/MMS which i take myself, he is already after 2 months gaining his weight back, playing, not over eating, not peeing outside the box, etc…)
The WHO wants to start euthanizing pets; they’re an evil bunch.
So many lawsuits are going after these demons that created the covid depop shot that has killed and mamed millions like Japan, and other countries. Why would we trust these shots in our pets?!!!
My dog needs to see a vet today but can’t unless i poison her with a rabies vax. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::triumph:
My cats are indoor cats, why would they need these death shots at least not more than once if at all. :pensive:


Ban the requirement all together, this should always be a choice. We should have the same rights for our Animals as we do for our family! :muscle:


The crap just keeps popping up. You can’t make this stuff up…

When do they start swinging?

The vets are not forced to comply. They actually want to vaccinate your pet every year because it’s income to them. My vet, 20 yrs ago told me the American Veterinary College did tests that showed an animal does not need to be vaccinated ever again once they’re had their shots the first go round. They published this and the vets across the country were in an outrage. The veg college agreed to change the recommendation from “Never again” down to “every 3 yrs””. And, btw, my vet told me that rabies are is the vaccine that is hardest on animals. This same vet also told me that he had been given a rabies shot 25 yrs before when he graduated vet school (He was a large animal vet). He said he has just had titers done and he had the same level as he’d had 25 yrs before, after receiving the vaccine. He, btw, went into treating animals with acupuncture because he was fed up with the current vet practices.


Dogs should never be vaccinated. Anything you love will fall into the protocol of big pharma. Your Squirrels, Coyotes, Mice, Rats, Birds , Canada Geese etc… are not injected with bio pharma, neither should our domestic animals. It is all a lie to feed big pharma and their bull. I have been fighting against this for years. I recommend you never visit a vet unless they are holistic and not paid by big pharma. They are vets are not on your animals side. All they see is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I never vaccinated my dogs (or other animals)…never will. I don’t trust the material being squirted into them. mRNA fatalities only underscored and validated my cautious presumptions. And I simply dont listen to people who say that I need to vaccinate them (or myself). And I dont take them anywhere where the topic might come up. I dont go to the doctor and my dog doesnt go to the vet. This lifestyle protects both myself and my dogs from getting vaccinated. Just like average America in the 1930s here, and we do just fine. When it is our time to go – we will go. Course, not everyone can live on the “terrifying edge of life” like that, right? :laughing: