Let’s cut down on vaccines for pets. Only distemper/parvo, and rabbies, one time. Stop loading them up with all these vaccines.
Our dogs are home in fenced back yard almost all of the time. They don’t need a rabies shot over and over!
You are correct. There are veterinarians who say animals are being way over vaccinated.
Full research on these pet vaccines are needed just as much as the ones for humans. First prove safe, then prove effective. If they fail either, than remove.
I agree!! I felt as though I am the only person out there who questions this. Jean Dodd, DVM discussed the over-vaccination of animals years ago. Guess what? There was so much nastiness toward her from other Vets and Pharma. (Sound familiar?) The truth is, we over vaccinate animals - and the cancer rates for pets is through the roof (per Dr. Dodd). I have a Vet who will test my dog’s titer levels for Parvo, etc. In 10 years, my dog’s immunity is till in tact. No need to re-vaccinate every year. Here is the real reason— it is very lucrative for Vets to have us coming in each year – it is about money for them–at our pets’ expense. I want States to stop requiring rabies by law! Titers should be enough there, too!
Oh yes they definitely need to stop the rabies and the high prices for this medicines. Like for parasites and stuff to start using the Ivermectin and they won’t need all that toxic other high priced medicine. That’s making the dog sick. It needs to be the holistic approach
Is this to vote against vaccines or for them?
By upvoting this post, you believe that the policy presented is a good one and should be implemented. In this case, the policy is to change the vaccine schedule for pets to be a once in a lifetime vaccination against “distemper/ parvo, and rabbies” as the original poster wrote it, though I believe they meant rabies.
Absolutely not. Just like with human vaccines, pet vaccines are a matter of public health. Public spaces, dog parks, dog-friendly restaurants, and the like rely on pets being healthy and disease-free in order to continue welcoming pets. Encouraging people not to vaccinate–especially against rabies which kills humans 100% of the time–is not only a evidence-less policy, but completely disastrous to the health and safety of other people and pets in public spaces. If you don’t want to vaccinate your pet for communicable diseases like parvo, distemper, or kennel cough, then stay home. But rabies vaccines are mandatory in all 50 states for a reason. You shouldn’t be allowed to have an animal that can kill someone with a single, accidental bite.
My father who was born in 1920 was bit by a rabid dog when he was young. Even back then they had a treatment for it. He said he had to get a series of shots (I believe in the stomach), and he lived to be 86. BTW, I don’t think this proposal is to entirely eliminate vaccines, but instead to stop over vaccinating our pets. I know that when people have titer tests performed, they generally show that the animal still has immunity even though the guidelines or regulations state they need another vaccine. Also, I have indoor cats who will never be allowed outside due to a large number of predators in my area. And, 99% of the time, I enter and leave the house through my garage. So if one of my cats were trying to escape, they still couldn’t get outside. And, I don’t think a rabid animal would make it past the garage to get into the house. Yet, there is a law stating that my cats need continual rabies shots which I’m adverse to because one of my previous cats was killed by a rabies shot.
Cut out all vaccines emergently as the nature and claims are false and have caused injury/damage and death. ALL animal & human vaccines should be investigated and their data/claims scrutinized by independent researchers. The truth about these supposed diseases and vaccine ‘safety & efficacy’ need revealed. The people need to know the truth before anyone states that any vaccines are necessary or ‘needed’.
Let’s cut down on all vaccines…pets and humans.
Pet vaccines should also be required to be micro-dosed if given. A 10lb chihuahua receives the same dosage as a 50lb dog. There is no scale, it’s a 1 size fits all. Plus vets are giving these vaccines annually when the manufacturer states every 3 years. Under reporting is huge with this industry because nothing is the vaccines fault.
All vaccines, including pet vaccines, need to be run through ACTUAL SAFTEY TESTING. We need transparency on how they are approving ALL vaccines and choice in weather we and our pets take them.
Remove vaccine mandates. Test all vaccines for safety and efficacy. If any vaccines survive that then allow titers. And yes use doses that match the size of the dog. Our two minigolden doodles were vaccine injured by their rabies mrab3 shot. Both still struggle with digestive problems over a year later. Those shots took the vibrant health of our puppies and made eating a struggle.
Promise you that ALL pet vaccines are complete fraud. The entire ‘people should vaccinate animals’ was a conjured concept. Nothing to do ‘animal health’.
Pet vaccines are for human health and business practices. Rabies and Leptospirosis can be transmitted to humans. Rabies is a nearly 100% fatal neurological disease. Lepto can cause organ failure, but is transmitted in urine, feces, and infected water.
Other vaccines such as parvo, Bordetella (kennel cough), feline respiratory complex (distemper) are for the pet’s health, but also to protect a boarding or grooming facility as good ones often will pay for treatment if they get an outbreak and your pet is infected. Having unvaccinated pets on premise increases the risk of needing to pay for pet treatment and potentially the closure of the facility for deep cleaning.
Titer tests only tell the veterinarian what the pet’s antibody level is for a disease at the time the blood was drawn. It does not say the pet can fight off infection or the protection will last until the next titer test. For best practice the vaccines should be used at regular intervals.
With all that said, it should be up to the veterinarian and pet owner to decide what vaccines, if any the patient needs at the interval used between the vaccines. It should not be a federal government decree.