While no domestic dog or cat has ever been proven to have rabies in the USA, there is ample evidence that our pets have been dying of liver and kidney disease prematurely for decades, as well as an increase in pet cancers. It is not unlike the damage done in recent years by human vaccines. Additionally most pets are severely over vaccinated by greedy pharmaceuticals companies and misinformed vets. Please make these vaccines optional as they have in several states. Our beloved family members will live longer healthier lives without them.
There most certain has been proven cases of rabies in domestic cats and dogs. So while I may agree with some of your statement it would be better to lead with facts vs opening your statement with a lie.
I think the request for stopping forced vaccinations should extend to personal livestock that is privately consumed. I have chickens and I refused to have them vaccinated because I dont want ANY government garbage coming into contact with the chicken cells that are even remotely related to the egg production that goes onto my dinner table, and eventually into my OWN body. It aint happening. Forcing me to vaccinate my own future food simply crosses that hard line in the sand, of: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Side note: Like many others, I don’t have dogs or cats for pets, because my chickens ARE my pets. I dont eat them – they live out their (uncontaminated/unvaccinated) lives and keep me happy (pursuing my happiness). So indirectly, the policy suggestion also applies.
Do your research. There are none. Please provide proof otherwise.
I am disabled and have a Service Dog that goes everywhere with me so my opinion my be different than others. I believe that dogs should be vaccinated. My dog has to come in contact with everything and also comes in contact is constantly in contact with the public. I avoid other animals, as most service dog handlers do but rabies and kennel cough, parve are real deseases and can be deadly and very catchy.