Yes term limits. No lifetime retirement unless you serve 20 years as elected representative. Yes two terms won’t get you there. So you better serve the people so you can be elected somewhere else. Or after your term you can be a government employee to get your retirement.
I disagree on the ability to go to another position after terming out of one. Max amount of years, period. 4 in Congress and 6 Senate, or however the person wants to break it down. Excluding Presidency. To me, that’s separate.
Absolutely! You only get raises if we give them to you. Not them deciding how much they get.
I do agree with putting term limits on the senate and representatives, in my opinion the max they can serve should be two 6-year terms. This way we have them oversee one presidential term and half of another, whether it’s the former President or a newly elected one. We need to move on from allowing anyone to be career politicians and have power like they have been able to do to this point.
Except I would say six yrs max. Also once they leave office all benefits stop. They have to go back like every other person out there to a job and you find your own benefits. Also while they are in office they can not have any family member involved with the stock market period.
Yes, rules, yes
I believe all government employees including senators and congressmen and judges of supreme courts and other that say they are federal. Get the Same insurance as the people of the United States Republic
I respectfully disagree. We already have term limits, it’s called voting. Think of it this way: Let’s say that you are the owner of a business and have three employees. One has been with you for ten years, is completely trustworthy and loyal, and he is the main reason that your business has been successful. The second has been with you for five years and although he is reliable, just does enough to get his paycheck. The third is a recent hire, has already asked time off because it’s his roommate’s birthday and has called in “sick” three times, each on a Monday. You just found out that you need to let one of them go. Do you get rid of the one that’s been there for ten years simply because he’s been there the longest? “Term limits” should be based upon performance and merit, not because of a specified length of time. If a Representative or Senator is doing what they should be doing, representing the people they serve, why should they be shown the door? On the other hand, if they are not representing their constituents, their constituents should show them the way out by voting someone in who actually will represent them.
Karaoke, thanks for the comment. I was moved by your example but by that logic there should be no presidential term limits. The pattern of history seems to be that people over time find ways to personally benefit and create networks of support so that they are hard to dislodge. I don’t have a good answer, but some of these lawmakers are just scandalous and seemingly locked in for life.
The reason there is a term limit for the President is because he is a single individual who has great power by virtue of the office. The office has the ability to take executive actions and put them in place. Members of Congress must work with other like-minded individuals because they can’t get anything done as solo actors. There is a reason some of these lawmakers are just scandalous and lock themselves in for life. Follow the money. If we could somehow find a way to keep the lawmakers from making money on the side, whether it be from lobbyists, intel about stocks and which ones may be affected by the laws that they pass, speaking engagements or book deals, or simply money under the table from whatever source that may approach them, only then will we get representatives who will represent us for the right reasons, that they are doing their civic duty.
Prohibit campaigning and/or fundraising for election/re-election while in office or while a congressional staffer. Term limits for staffers too (they are as much entrenched deep-state as un-elected bureaucrats ) , and a 6yr prohibition on moving from office to a lobbyist.
Want two terms in the Senate? Cool, it’ll cost you 18 years, you can use the break between terms to campaign for your next run.
And there’ll be lots more time to read bills and attend floor votes if you’re not spending most of your time fundraising.
That works ok via your metaphor. But the metaphor leaves out a lot of factors present in the congress/ voter dynamic, to make it work you need some added conditions:
A) you must be an absentee owner, completely oblivious to the day to day workings of your business.
B) since you’re not providing any functional leadership within the company, your employees must be a member of one of two unions, these unions will dictate the placement within the company and the day to day activities of your employees, and will determine continued employment based on satisfactorily meeting those union obligations (not the owners)
C) your employees must at least triple their paycheck, with external revenue streams based solely on the information they access via their employment by you
D) your employees must spend 80% of their time raising money, not to improve the business or profits, but to invest in propagandizing you that they are successful at their job, and paying off their Union leaders
E) due to this fundraising obligation, the employees will be beholden to the interests of their donors more so than the interests of you the employer
E) if they fail at convincing you, or raising enough money for their union, you can choose between the candidates offered by the 2 unions this time
… but then, that ≠ term limits. And while you may be a responsible employer, you represent only a small percentage of the Board.
There is a National Movement to use Article V of the Constitution to call a Convention of the States. Our Resolution will address: Imposing Term Limits, Imposing Fiscal Restraints & Limiting the Jurisdiction of the Federal Govt. Learn more here, sign our petition & volunteer:
But, then you are also leaving out a lot of factors.
As an absentee owner, you should not be oblivious to the day to day workings of your business. That is a choice, not a mandate.
By choosing one of two “unions,” you are essentially determining which employees represent your best interests as a business owner.
If they are not fiscally responsible, that should determine their status as an employee.
Again, if they are spending 80% of their time raising money that does nothing to make the business successful, it should be a determining factor as to their employment status.
Although I may be an owner, I realize that I am but a percentage of those who make decisions on the day to day operation of the business. This Democratic process in determining what is best for the business, however, is probably in the best interest of the business regardless of how I, the owner, should think about how the business should be run. That’s why business owners often times hire managers. If a manager is micromanaged by the owner, the manager doesn’t usually stick around very long. If the manager is not operating the business in the manner that the owner sees fit, the owner has two options. Let his business be run in a manner that he does not approve or find a different manager.
If we took the ‘median’ age of the ‘average US Citizen’ and added +30 years - this would be an easy sliding scale for age maximums while still affording life-accrued-wisdom to still help guide this country.
Term limits are needed so bad to eliminate the career politicians and help mitigate the graft and corruption that sets in with the vast, vast majority. We need elected leaders that serve for the people not for their own personal enrichment.
Great idea! I couldn’t agree more!
Originally, senators and representative were not paid, since that is not plausible now, I suggest the states that elect them pay them, not the fed. That would be a secondary way to get rid of poor representation.
We have to get te corrupt caqreer politicians out of office. Everyone who massed excessive wealth income should be examined for insider trading.
I think my proposal fits into this category, but I wasnt exactly sure how to link it.