Term Limits 2025

We need term limits NOW!!! The POTUS has term limits, and congress and senate need term limits also. This will end so many issues like being in so long you get persuaded by money to " make changes " that are solely driven by money, and not what is best for America.
With the term limits, there should be yealry audits for those who serve. You should not become a millionaire by inside trading and favors. EVERYONE who serves should submit tax returns and bamk statments.

With the term limits, should also be that in no way should tax payers have to pay for congress or senate members to fly weekly fir meeting’s that can be held via skype. This is a waste of money.


As American’s we MUST NOT leave it up to the “representatives” to determine if there shall be Term Limits. We must demand them and force this onto the ballot and have it take affect immediately.


Great point

I agree and we need to add a minimum percentage of sessions they must be present at either in person or via video. They need to vote on a minimum percentage of votes in a 2 year. From Jan 2021 - January 2023, I see some legislatures missed voting percentages is above 5% so some Americans are not being represented for some votes more then 5% of voting items. I found it interesting to look this up on my representative. He missed voting over 7% of the time in a year. There were 32 senators out of 99 who missed votes 5% and above in a year. Did he/she miss one of those close votes on whether millions or billions of $ were being sent to foreign countries? Was it the vote where the Vice President had to make the deciding vote?What should be the acceptable limit?

If you like term limits, you’ll love Call a Convention of the States…Mark Meckler’s post in the Liberty section of this site! Please check it out!!

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TERM LIMITS – I agree!! Mandatory retirement after 30 years. My problem with making it only two terms is – i believe as it stands now – congress will get a life time retirement after two terms. I want a LAW that says congress only gets a retirement if they work for at least 30 years. After 30 years there is a MANDATORY retirement. AND, any raises during their tenure can be no higher than the cost of living allowance given to social security recipients. (usually 1.3% a year).

Convention of states is still on the table. And I hope that moves forward, that is how we get term limits in