The people demand term limits

Two things our Forefathers would have differently than what is normal procedure would be term limits and the removal of the two party system. They knew that if the elected officials represented a ‘party’ that the people would become secondary to the ideology of that party. They also felt that public service was supposed to be ‘service’ done by people who actually cared about their country and not their own wealth. Over the past few weeks the people of this nation has had the extreme reality of the extreme corruption that has been built by people who have had 10, 20, and 30+ years in Congress. Kickbacks and bribes are commonplace. Our Congress has become a cesspool of human sewage where elected people who are supposed to be servants consider themselves above the law. It is time this stopped! If people in Congress are limited to 2-4 terms then they are less capable of building a corrupt empire of money laundering, lies, deceit and even treason. The country has been shocked by the level of bribes, kickbacks and total corruption which have become synonymous with politics. It has been proven that many in Congress are not there to serve the nation but to serve special interests, and in many cases, to undermine the national structure and safety. Their purpose is not America but its destruction. It is time that the people demanded term limits for people in Congress.


If enough voters want to vote for an 80 year old running for office, they should be able to so do. The ‘term limit’ is an election, no other is needed.


That’s not what term limits means is voting for an 80 year-old!!! It’s time to wake up


Its not about the age of the candidate but the fact that some candidates turn “public service” into extremely lucrative careers. The president is limited to 2 terms Representatives and Senators should have limits on their terms in office also. In addition they should not receive pensions after serving for only 5 years. Salary and benefits should end when they leave office.


Because we know votes can be bought an manipulated, counting on the “voters” is no longer an option. Term limits are imposed for President, they should be imposed for Congress.


Got to get AIPAC and adl, and foriegn interest groups and lobbies OUT of our politics. This isn’t their country. It’s OK to limit, restrict, and outlaw outside people and groups from the levers of OUR government.


Given that the voting system seems corrupted I don’t know what we can do at this point that would have any effect. Term limits might help or hinder. What if we get someone doing such a great job that we want to keep them? Then term limits are a hinderance. They might at least inconvenience the money machine we think of as our government, forcing them to change faces more often. It’s the unelected behind the public faces who’ve really got it made. They stay in their position, generally unknown and unhindered, with no accountability.

As for term limits I had an idea. What if each office gets their term limits of say two times being elected. After that they can run again but each time takes an increased margin to claim victory. So, President Trump, for instance , love him or loathe him, has had two terms. If it was a 51% margin of the vote before, let him run again but demand he has 60%,65%,70% incrementally more each election. That way, if someone were overwhelmingly popular we can keep them and the mediocre ones get washed out.


Term limits can only be accomplished by a Convention of States, under article 5. Politicians will never vote to limit their terms in office. The Convention of States is the only way!.


Not enough people care. That’s why they continue to vote for the corrupt politicians (redundancy) they already have and believe in.

Agreed, pelosi and mcconnell remind me of he movie “weekend at Bernie’s”…they are half dead and should be forced to retire.

Agree, the party system started to take shape about 15 years before the Civil War. Slave holders, land holders, business, then money.

I hear you.

Your concern is valid. So frustrating.

The incumbency advantage is huge, overwhelming normal processes.

I am grateful for elections, and ordinarily, I wouldn’t think term limits necessary. But I am open to the idea considering where we are now.

Love to see a Convention of States mentioned here. We need it.

What we need most is representation for ordinary Americans.

What if we massively expand the U.S. House so that each district is 50,000 people?

That’s what was actually proposed in the Congressional Apportionment Amendment of 1789. Check it out. It would make the House huge: over 6600 seats!

Then ask your state representative to bring it before your state house.

Let’s unfreeze the House from being stuck at 435 members since Taft was president. Let’s grow the House.

Absolutely agree! Convention of States might be an answer, but regardless of what anyone fears or believes about that method, term limits need to happen!