Congressional Term Limits

NO member of Congress or the U.S. Senate should be able to hold a seat for more than 20 years total. We the people have watched as
Senators & Congress become RICH OFF THE BACKS OF TAX PAYERS & BECAME COMPLACENT in their understanding of being an actual US CITIZENS. The president only gets 4 to 8 years per our constitution, Yet we have members holding seats for 50 plus years, that have NEVER WORKED A REGULAR JOB THEIR ENTIRE LIVES. CONGRESSIONAL AND SENATE SEATS are Positions of power in which many of them are selling the American people to the highest bider to line their pockets.
We the people are aware of this, & have been for decades! Members WE THE PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF 80-90 YEAR OLD SUITS MAKING RULES & LAWS FOR THE WE THE PEOPLE. 80/90 YEAR OLDS DO NOT KNOW THE LIVES OF 0-70 year olds & honestly have NO BUSINESS telling anyone what to do…Especially those in congress for 50 plus years.

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Congress (Senate and House) should only be allowed to serve two terms… consecutive or otherwise. They should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work.

Congress (past, present, & future) needs to participates in Social Security and not have a retirement fund.

Congress should not have a special health care system. They should participates in the same health care system as the American people.

We the people must fix this