Self Deport Program

I am concerned about how we are going to deport all of these people and I have thought long and hard about a program that will encourage at least 50% of the illegal immigrants in this country to self deport. My plan is to put out an executive order or message stating that every illegal alien has 60 days to self deport, and if they do that, they will be allowed to apply and wait their turn for entry into this country. Any illegal immigrant who does not self deport after 60 days will be rounded up and fingerprinted and photographs will be taken and a DNA swab and then they will be deported , with the knowledge that they will never be able to reapply for reentry into the United States and they will go on a list that makes that clear. Anyone who has committed a crime in this country or in any other country will be deported in the same manner. Anyone who breaks these laws will be going to Guantánamo Bay to serve out a sentence of no less than six years hard labor. I personally believe that if you implement this program as described, you will avoid a lot of the ugliness that the press will surely highlight.


We also need to stop all the freebies given. Monies need to be used for true asylumees and US citizens in need.


To add to this, I would create an additional incentive to self-deport. The earlier you self deport, the higher chance you have to receive one of a limited number of work permits to come back to the USA and work. This would also allow you to get in line for citizenship while you legally work in the US. To ensure no cheating, this would require a check in with a government office here in the USA and then a check in to an embassy or at a controlled border entry so we can register you for this lottery. Benefit is there is an additional incentive to deport, and we will ultimately need some of these workers back. Let’s take back the people who do what we asked.


We must cane all illegal immigrants 10 times before they are deported.

Those who are caught for the second time should be sentenced to 20 strokes.

Third offense = death penalty.


So they can take away jobs from hardworking Americans? Keep them out, stop illegal AND legal immigration from these countries.

Why should foreigners work on farms when there are thousands of homeless American veterans waiting for a job to get their life together again?


Good idea. The exact details to be worked out.


So, to your point, definitely agree we need to stop illegal immigration and drastically reduce legal immigration. No argument there. We have a declining birth rate, so big picture we will to import some workers as needed to support the economy’s growth. Its a different topic, but I would tie immigration levels to economic growth and the unemployment level and stop importing people if we are not at full employment.


Eliminate the asylum program due to its abuse. In fact, eliminate any programs that have been abused and are not serving their original purpose.


The answer to the declining birth rate is never immigration. Improve the birth rate. End feminism and reward Americans for marrying and having children.


Again, no disagreement there. In meantime if you are at full employment and need workers to grow, you have to import them. So, agree with your points but big picture it’s not that simple.

sounds extreme

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Why import workers from abroad when you can import them from homeless shelters, halfway houses and VA offices? It should be a crime to hire a foreigner when there is an equally qualified American candidate for the job.


Definition of full employment. Agree we aren’t importing at expense of Americans.

Brilliant idea.

If they truly love this country, the will immediately leave.

Some great ideas in this


This is a great idea, :+1: as i personally know people who have recently come and are on the fence about whether to stay or go back home.

Giving them a chance to leave “on good terms” is a good incentive.

My biggest concern is that industry and our economy benefits from cheap labor so they will try to prevent mass deportation through by lobbying

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Love the providing positive incentive brought up here, and the notice. Documentation before deport necessary also.

Unsure executive order would stick, and do not agree with Guantanamo Bay portion.

Unfortunately the US Govt. has incentivized the illegal migration, therefore we bear some responsibility for them being here. Since we were already going to pay for them to be here, I suggest that we pay them to leave. How about offer a limited period, such as the 60 days mentioned, to self deport and you get some of the funds we were going to spend on you being in the US… After the 60 days, no deals.

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Interesting thought. I also think that if they self-deport, they can take their belongings with them (including vehicles if they are fully paid for). Otherwise, the items will be sold and money distributed to law enforcement and border control.

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Guantanamo isnt big enough to house them. I say we encourage Mexico to assist taking back their citizens or we threaten to annex 25 miles of their boder with the United States!

Yes. Yes. Yes.