Immigration Work Visa

I think instead of just rounding up illegals right from the start maybe we should set up a site or location or application of some sort for these people to self declare themselves Within a set deadline of maybe 90 days from when the order goes out. Then submit to a background check. If they’re not on any government assistance, have criminal history Where they’re from or have engaged in any criminal activity since being here in the states we could offer work visas & require that the check-in every three to six months to make sure they’re on track and not causing any issues and contributing to our tax system without needing government assistance of any sort. After a prolonged period of time, maybe two years, they will could eligible for a green card depending on an assessment of their history or face deportation to violation on any sort. Anybody who doesn’t self declare within the set deadline, would be subject to immediate deportation upon being detained. Also, Leavy heavy fines & criminal penalties to any company or person who hires illegals. This could be a fair option and possibly lead to more Republican supporters in the future if they work their way to citizenship, as well as help retain some of the Democratic voters that switched to the Republican side this election.

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