School Choice

We need school choice. We should not be cornered into brainwashing our children with state propoganda generating after generation.

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I think about this subject a lot, and as much as I try to become familiar with the entire process, it can be exhausting. Federal programs have become a huge issue and I think it would be beneficial to cancel them all, because it seems like most schools lose out on funding if they are not willing to support the agenda; which is LGBTQ (for example), and so forth which should not be involved in getting funds needed for the school to survive.

If we pushed everything onto the state, and allowed the state to run the programs, then we have to worry about the administration and it’s own corrupt agendas in the school system. The school system was defined and created to educate children and get them into the work force. It has become so much more, and the hoops that educators have to jump through to appease everyone, while playing babysitter to children who are disrespectful and disrupting class, yet teachers have no authority what so ever without fear from parents, media, loss of job, and more.

Curriculum has been shoved off onto the teachers who don’t get paid enough, or informed in timely manner to actually produce what is necessary to educate the children in the way in which they can accomplish any of those goals in a timely manner, it has literally become insane.

I think it would be more productive and educational if we cut curriculum in half to begin with, forgo the quota’s and stop the school assessments and testing process.
Each child would be tested in the beginning of the school year to be placed within the appropriate class, allowing a two year gap in age difference. Make it mandatory that no class should exceed 20 students. Each class should have one teacher, and two assistance, those two assistance could be teachers in training, or someone perusing higher education, and of course backgrounded checked and authorized by the school to be around children safely.

CORE classes would include Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Physical education.
The school week would only mandate 4 days a week to attend, Friday would be reserved for beginning, middle, and end of school year testing on each core subject, and parent teacher conferences.

Each teacher would be allowed and NOT restricted on how they teach each core class, and whether or not it was inside or outside. Math would explore alternative learning styles, and allow students to learn actual mathematic skills.
Science could involve the environment, experiments, gardening, learning about nature, animals, going on field trips to the zoos and seeing animals, or science centers 4 times within the school year.
Art could go from creation, history, and learning different styles, or also museums to see different perspectives, and perhaps community centers for things like pottery.
Social Studies would include the history of America, The constitution, who knows a visit to the white house some day, seeing monuments and learning about the world around them, to include learning about different cultures and group videos visiting other classes around the world.
Physical education should be throughout the day in-between classes, allowing children to run, visit parks, play, call it 30mins free time instead of physical education if it makes everyone feel better. During that time teachers could take breaks, cry in their cars, or down coffee, or let them pee and use the bathroom for crying out loud in shifts, cause now there are 3 of them per classroom.

Class Starts at 8am- doors open at 730 ONLY into the lunchroom, or into the classrooms to be part of the breakfast program.
Assistants arrive at the school at 7am, teachers 8am
Math 45mins, Science 45mins, Art 45mins, Social Studies 45mins, physical education throughout and 45 mins

First Class 8;00-8:45
Break 8:45-9:00am
Second Class 9:00am- 9:45am
Break 9:45-10:00am
Third Class 10:00-10:45am
Usually between 11am-1pm lunch hours begin which can be shifted class to class
Fourth Class 1pm- 1:45pm
Break 1:45-2:00pm
Fifth Class 2:00pm-2:45pm
Break 2:45-3:00pm
Class dismissed.