Get the federal government out of education. We can address education issues with our state legislators. School employees are already paid by the state and receive state benefits. Funding, lunch program, and curriculum should be decided at the state level.
Also, there should be no restrictions for school choice. I realize that this could create hardship situations for some schools, but education should not be a business. They should be merit-based. It’s time to get back to the basics. Children were a lot smarter before the federal government stepped into the picture.
Finally, all school board officials should be elected at the county level.
FYI: If this seems like it would require more work on the part of the parents, good! That’s half of the point. School should not be a business, but it should not be a daycare either. There are plenty of solutions to deal with students AND parents who are not serious about education. Federalized education has turned out children who can’t read or do math and parents who don’t have to do anything or take any responsibility for their child’s education. It needs to stop.
Agreed. This should be under each individual state’s control/jurisdiction as originally intended. The federal government needs pulled back to its enumerated powers so I’m voting to call an Article V Convention of States to rein in the federal government on this and some other specific items as they will never vote themselves less control.
I believe that this Department wastes massive amounts of money and has, if anything, stood watch during almost 50 years of worsening testing scores. Not sure of their budget, but administration bureaucrats should step away and let each state deal with monitoring their own school system. If anything, it would allow for the states ability to be flexible, more focused and responsive to their own students.
I liked when Trump said parents would have a choice of what school their kids went to and if they chose to homeschool, then the money that would have gone to the school goes to the parents. Of course, there should be some oversight to make sure kids are getting education for that money. If the homeschooling is not advancing the kid’s education, then maybe the kid goes to a school of the parent’s choice.
SCHOOL CHOICE is the way to go!!! If a school is struggling, then it needs to go and award the tax dollars to those schools where people actually want to put their kids in, Allow me to give my tax dollars to private schools because they align with my values and they are educating, not indoctrinating.
I think the states could send representatives from each State Education Department to a conference to create and decide on matters affecting all states such as minimum academic requirements and special education. This would eliminate the need for a federal education department.