No foreign entity shall be allowed the purchase/lease of ANY US land/property that can be considered AGRICULTURAL.
Any presently owned/lease property of this type shall be purchased back by the US for the original price paid. If present owner/leaser refuses the offer of payment, stated property shall be considered “forfeit”.
All reclaimed US properties shall be offered for purchase or lease to local farmers/ranchers at “fair market value” for the purpose(s) of growing and harvesting NON GMO consumer goods for US markets .
Agricultural incentives should be offered to these producers of NON GMO consumer goods in the same fashion incentives are offered to existing producers of the same GMO goods.
- Is a dual-citizen a foreign entity?
- How about, instead of putting the lands up for “fair market value”, we do a second homesteader act? Sell the land cheap in small parcels to any citizens who agree to develop it for food production.