The Trump team should develop a strategy (and provide assistance to states to implement the strategy) to use local eminent domain laws to retrieve farmland purchased by Chinese non-citizens within the past 5 years. The entity that purchased the land will be offered the same amount they paid for the land (or current market value, whichever is less), and if the offer is refused then the case gets prosecuted. The states need to be coordinated under Trump to minimize the risk of conflicting strategies abd outcomes.
The farmland can then be sold to any interested US party with the deed revised to prohibit resale to any non US citizen. If no interested parties emerge, perhaps the land can be used as a solar energy “farm” to further alleviate energy costs for the state’s residents.
I would include foreign-owned lands in the vicinity of military facilities and bases - at a minimum - in this program.
Foreign state ownership of lands near military, power, strategic, and sensitive resource sites presents a security risk, both short and long term, and should be 1) prevented, and 2) reclaimed where it already exists.
In general, I see no good reason for foreign-government ownership of of any lands inside the US. It would be acceptable to prevent foreign-state ownership of any land, however both farm land and military/sensitive resource- adjacent should be priority.
Additionally, on the same single-issue bill, there should be provisions for the following:
1 - Heavily tax owners of large, unused, and high value (as it relates to fertility and growth potential) properties; billionaires, foreign entities, and bad actors hoarding land must pay dearly (at an untenable rate) to support those who have fed the world thanklessly for generations
2 - Subsidize/incentivize existing farmers to perform within the new clean food regulatory guidelines to be implemented by RFK JR, subject to random and regular compliance audits
The OP was on point, foreign entities should not be owning our farmland, but I believe it’s important to consider the domestic threats as well.
This needs to be done in a fashion that makes starving America (and the world) miserable and elevates feeding the world in a responsible manner to proper appreciation .
Thank you for your consideration.
God Bless America
Many Chinese owned properties are strategically purchased near US military bases. Any property owned by Chinese nationals with any link to the CCP should be confiscated immediately.
Some states do not allow foreign residents (of that state) to own properties. Not sure what the downsides are but there are probably some. On the other hand, it sure seems like a wise idea to keep land in control of people who care most about the area
I agree that Non US Citizen should not be allow to own land, but lets think this through! For example, what did Elon Musk had to go through to establish Tesla gigafactory in foreign land? Did he buy the Land or did he have to leased or Rent the land To build their vehicle there so that the tariff of the cars there wouldn’t be too high and giving that country “Jobs”. If rent or leasing cost is not high for the investors to start a company in the US, I’m sure it won’t be an issue for investors to lease/rent la d to build the business/homes. For business minded investors, im sure they’d want to own the land rather than renting/leasing. I would say if they hired American workers and following US regulations of safety and laborer regulations, I don’t think its a bad thing for them to own the land and operated for the benefit of American residents, wouldn’t it be a win win? I think if they have a clear purpose of use for the land and can publicly state their plans for its use and purpose. I think this should be allowed for foreigner to own our land as I’m sure some of our citizen may be owner of other country’s land for businesses over there. So I vote Yes for foreigner to own land if a purpose is given and will have a deadline for start of construction as well as not to be able to sell to other countries without a purpose.
No foreigners shall own US land.
The land should not be repurposed if it was working farmland. Put the land up for auction starting with $1.00. The owner will have to farm the land or lose their deed within a certain time period and be put back up for auction.
The land is the country. Without restricting real estate ownership to citizens only, we are literally selling off our country.
It’s not about jobs. It’s about national security and sovereignty.
I would even argue that dual citizens should not be able to buy more than one home and one (relatively small) commercial property. We MUST start prioritizing our national security.
A good idea, what about letting it be public farmland with rented/community plots allowing people to come grow their own crops for their households? Like 20 sq feet each plot to grow whatever you want for your table.