Restore Congress to what the founding fathers intended

When our country was first founded the government worked for the people because they were the people.

A baker left his job, went to Washington, legislated common sense legislation to help the average man because he was the average man and then went back home. They would never vote for something that would hurt the common man because he would feel the pain of that policy himself. The same thing with bankers or blacksmiths or whoever.

The minute we got career politicians the concern for the common man has waned. I personally think that once they’ve served their terms (which should also be limited), then they can never serve in the government again. Not as a lobbyist or a staffer in an office.

They also should not get full retirement after one or two terms. It’s shameful that 11-year army veterans who are broken down but did not reach 20 years do not get a retirement. If they had to worry about their retirement, they would again not vote for nonsense policies that would hurt them later.

Also, when they go back to their normal job, they do not get paid anymore from the government.

This will be a difficult change, but then we know that the people who are applying for office are only doing it to truly serve the people and not to set themselves up for life. I would like to think RFK Jr for setting this up and truly be willing to listen to the people.