A median salary for any elected official based on the region they represent. If the elected official wants more money they must benefit their own constituents to do so. This would include the working age and able population only.
Elected officials would be incentivized to help all walks of life not just their own donors. Now the homeless, jobless, self employed, farmers, and the rich would all receive actual solutions so that we can all achieve the American dream.
Never again will elected officials be allowed to just sign their own pay increases.
Originally, Congress was created with people that volunteered their time to represent the people of their homeland. I would further revise this and make it a voluntary, unpaid position. They represented the voice of their communities, and then upon end of their term, returned back to their normal jobs. Give them a per diem to pay for their expenses and nothing more. Revoke their immediate right to trade stock (via insider trading) and allow a cool down period for any lobbying companies that try to buy them out while holding that representation (or make lobbying illegal). Bring America back to it roots based solely on the Constitution.
I want to agree with this, I do, but it would be a burden for employers back home, and a burden on the families of the people who serve.
I do think that people who serve should not be able to become rich from it. No more special interest groups, unethical lobbying, leaving public sector and landing a lucrative private sector job, etc.
Serve because you love your country and your constituents. Not because you will get rich and sell out American’s who you are supposed to be representing.