Proof of bettering oneself while on government financial aid (Welfare, FoodStamps, etc.)

Have the citizens who are in need and receiving financial government assistance (Welfare, Food Stamps, etc.) prove they are actively trying to better the situation for themselves and society by passing drug tests, applying for jobs, and/or showing some form of improvement in their lives while receiving the assistance to ultimately be self sufficient financially. I believe this will stop citizens from seeing government financial assistance as a way of life or as a free hand out, and save the spending of the tax payers dollar. We could implement “paths to success” plans/programs (GED courses, Skill Shops, trade training) for the affected citizen to earn employment and better the affected citizens financial life.
This has the potential of deterring citizens of getting “free hand outs” and not contributing to the society that is helping them. We will be able to identify the individuals with deeper issues that hinder them of being financially stable and get them the professional help needed to succeed, prosper and contribute to this great nation.

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