Food stamps/Welfare

Let’s find a way to use food stamps, and Welfare what it was actually made to do. It was made to assist and help get people back on track, not be way of life. Currently, Many of the people that get on welfare and food Stamps end up on it for life. There’s no motivation or incentive for them to actually get off of fair, it ends up being a way of life. We are paying millions of dollars for people to just sit around when in fact, they are able body people that could potentially find a job., Buy a house and start living on their own living off the government

Let’s figure out a motivation for them to work instead of being on government assistance. Also, instead of paying them to have more children, give incentives to not have babies just for the money. Let’s take education into these communities and help give them the skills. They need to find a job, budget and show them how to save. And I’m not saying, give everything to him, I’m saying allow them to work for it so that there is pride and their work and their achievements.