An elected official’s salary should be tied directly to their state’s poverty level as well as the overall US poverty level. Their pay could be 3 or 4x’s the current poverty level.
The definition of poverty needs to be spelled out clearly to ensure that the elected officials are working to improve the critical factors that lead to poverty.
The metrics to calculate the poverty level will be established and clear. Any adjustments to the calculation would require 60% approval from at the state and national level.
I think their pay should be no more than 20% above the avg of their local constituency. It’s incentive for them to work on our behalf. Perhaps a meal per diem when they travel only.
This is supposed to be service to your country, not a career
They should be required to telecommute as much as possible to save tax payer dollars.
There should receive no exemptions from anything that our citizens are subject to. No special insurance, retirement or anything else. I recently read they were exempted from covid vaccines that they were requiring citizens to get.
I think term limits need to be applied at no more than 6 years in congress or senate. If term limits are applied they should no longer receive pensions based on service. They should have 401k type retirement accounts and adhere to those rules just like we do. If anyone should be paid for a lifetimes of service, it’s veterans.