Any government official who represents the Country or a State such as, President, Vice President, Justices, the Cabinet members, Governors, House of Representative members, Senators, etc., should receive compensation based on their respective States mean household income. For those who represent the United States and not a particular state such as, President, Vice President, Cabinet Members, etc., should receive compensation based on The United States mean household income. President should receive what was previously stated plus an additional 50%, and all other Federal level positions should receive what was previously stated plus an additional 25%. Thus forcing representatives to do whats best for the people of their country/state to increase the average income of said country/state to then increase their own pay. Their pay will be evaluated yearly on the date of which they are elected.
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Government representatives should not be career politicians. They should not leave office much richer than when they entered. Get rid of the corruption in government. Dual citizenship should be a red flag and not allowed in the government positions no matter what. Where do your loyalties stand?