Congressional Pay Overhaul

Effective immediately, all members of both houses of Congress shall have their salary for the year be the average income of the district (for the House of Representatives) or State (for the Senate) which they represent. This amount shall be recalculated every April 30th, based on the previous year’s tax returns.
The average shall be defined as the lower of the two numbers between the Mean and Median Household incomes within the relevant area.

This should incentivize politicians to actually improve the economy in their home districts…


In addition to this, all benefits (health care, retirement, etc.) should be the same as those provided to their local gov’t employees.

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I would also add to freeze access to private donations and gifts accrued during and after their term. At least 1 year and maybe up to 7 years after, like the IRS requires us to save our records. Also, restructure the IRS to keep tabs on them during this freeze period.

To offset this handicap, I’m okay with extending their salary +1 year so these people have time to find jobs in the private market after their public service is complete.

Maybe one more thing: Consolidate D.C. housing to something like a “congress campus” or business-class hotel with in-house services to save costs on housing, dining, security, etc. Let them live similar to our military while serving the country.

Love it! One thing I’d add would be that representatives and senators, our ambassadors to the federal assembly, should be paid from the budget of their state or district not the federal budget. Similar to how the US government pays the salary of our ambassadors not the countries to which they are sent.

You should add… minus deficit spending. (they would have to take money out of their pockets every time they passed a bill that will tax us with inflation)

Wouldn’t “the lower of the two between” cover that discrepancy?

I have no idea how to enforceably write such a law.

Done - All members of Congress shall pledge their assets to the Government for which they serve. If there is a Deficit at the end of Congressional session the the IRS will seize assets from congress until their is no deficit.

I think that will prove counterproductive. You just gave every single politician access to the entire budget as income.