Government elected officials salary

Government elected officials should not be paid any more than the average single income in their home state. Their healthcare packages have to mirror those available to any other federal employee and their taxes have to mirror the taxes of their home state. All of their benefits (healthcare etc end when they vacate office). Their accommodations while they are serving in Washington DC should not be more than what the average single income could earn them in their home state.

They are elected officials to represent the public. They should know how the public feels and represent that accordingly. How would they know that unless they had walked directly in those shoes. I think that some officials would feel differently if they were making an average of $40k per year while living in a studio apartment.


I was just thinking about this last night. Would they vote the same if they were in the same shoes as most Americans? The answer is no. They’d surely be making different decisions. I like this policy, just not sure how we can enforce it. There does need to be a standards with it that limits the wealth exchange and tracks who is paying them and for what policies.

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Truthfully I’ve given this a lot of thought. I don’t see why we can’t vote on this every four years like we do a president. They should not be allowed to give themselves raises.
Also I want term limits! No more rhinos no more career politicians! Also I’d love to have the politicians fear we the people again that if they are charged with corruption / treason it’s a death penalty.

100% agree only in government can you determine to give yourself a raise. Their travel expense and time should be compisated, not a full time job in 6 figures. If they had to work an actual job like reserves we wouldnt have people coming up with unneeded laws. Need to get back to consequences