U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 5. "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof "
New policy to validate:
- In U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 5. - there are only TWO variables - Money and Value
- Congress does not create value - People create value
- Congress creates money - People do not create money
- Money represents value, but requires value be created first
- Congress must create money in a one to one (1:1) ratio to the amount of value people create
Example: if people create a bridge worth $5,000 - Congress must create $5,000 of monetary tokens to represent the value the people just created. If 3000 counties each create a bridge worth $5,000 - Congress must create 3000 x $5,000 of monetary tokens etc.
The creation of money is limited by how much value people can create, not how much can be borrowed. Never should the people be beholden to a shortage of money when there is no shortage of creational capability. Value creation underpins money.
New policy (continued)
- Congress shall not confuse borrowing (U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 2.) with creation (U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 5.) as each are separate clauses.
- Validate the Federal Reserve’s policy: “banks create money when they lend it” equates to “Libraries create books when they lend them” - being impossible, wherefrom;
- To lend money into existence is “repugnant to the Constitution” and justification to void any debt created therefrom;
- If borrowing is required, validate the money being borrowed represents actual value already created.
Notes: borrowing presupposes the borrowed item exists, being justification for repayment. When the borrowed item does not exist, demand for repayment is baseless and any associated creation belongs to the party whomsoever created it. To conflate borrowing with creation is black magic.
Example: the people build a hospital. Congress creates the money that represents the value the hospital provides, no more, no less. Congress shall not borrow money incurring repayment to a party that did not create anything of value.
(continued) New policy to:
- Validate that interest is only payable for an actual loan, namely the lending of money representing existent value;
- Such interest being compensation for the loss of use by the party making the loan, wherefrom;
- No interest is due on “money loaned into existence” insofar as said money did not exist prior to ‘lending’, thus no loss of use was possible.
- Wherefrom, any interest charged on “money loaned into existence” is voided.
In short, policy designed to:
- Educate the People in their role of creating value, which precedes the creation of money
- Hold Congress accountable to their role of creating money in a one to one (1:1) ratio to value created
- Invalidate any money created that does not represent actual value
- Invalidate any interest charged on “money loaned into existence”
Value presupposes the question, of value to whom and for what. This test should be applied to any claim of value, to avoid the unfortunate interpretation that debt may substitute for value… debt being a representation of value not yet created and therefore rightly not actually valuable, except to a slave master.