The Constitution grants Congress the authority to “coin money and regulate the value thereof.”
Throughout history, several U.S. presidents were assassinated for opposing the creation of a central bank.
There is no justification for the American people to pay interest to a private bank for the privilege of printing our nation’s currency.
Most Americans are unaware that none of their Federal Income Tax payments go toward funding infrastructure, education, or any other government programs. Instead, every dollar is used to pay the interest on the national debt to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. Despite its name, the Federal Reserve is not a government agency; it’s as “federal” as Federal Express and is largely owned by private, often offshore, investors.
The United States has the constitutional power to issue its own currency, free of interest, and back it with tangible assets like gold, silver, and even emerging digital assets.
It’s time to restore economic power to the people by abolishing the IRS and the unconstitutional Federal Income Tax.