End ALL income tax

The people need to understand WHY income tax needs to be abolished.

Consider U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 5. "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof ".
If a community built a simple road valued at $1,000, according to Clause 5, isn’t Congress required to create $1,000 worth of monetary tokens?

If the community wanted a railway station, and they build it, isn’t Congress required to create the exact amount of monetary tokens to represent the value just created?

If they do not, the monetary tokens held by everyone else in society just got more valuable. Alternatively, if Congress creates far more monetary tokens that actual value was created, the monetary tokens held by everyone else in society just lost value. Neither describes the proper regulation of value.

The concept of Value has been hijacked from society’s vocabulary, yet is one of only two variables in the clause of the constitution pertaining to money’s creation.

Debt has been successfully substituted for value, being the origin of taxes. The people need to be encouraged to throw debt out and reinstate value.

More here People create Value - Congress creates Money