Stop spending, cut the budget (except military), end foreign aide until debt deleted and focus on paying down debt.
I’m curious why you believe we are somehow obligated to pay this debt? I think we should default and face the consequences and then move away from fiat currency to real asset backed currency.
To pay the national debt is to accept its validity.
When the Federal Reserve “creates money in the act of lending” we all accept it.
But does your Library create books when they lend them?
It is easy to see the absurdity.
The Federal Reserve has successfully eliminated the concept of Value from society’s vocabulary. Search the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the only reference to Value pertains to the stock holders share prices… meaning the foundation of the organization supposedly established to fulfill U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 5. "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof " is fatally flawed from inception.
The key lies within Clause 5, within which there are only TWO variables; “Value” and “Money”.
Do politicians create Value? Or do the people?
Logically value must be created before money can represent it. Thus people are the true origin of money in this country… not the bankers.
See more here People create Value - Congress creates Money