No Junk Food w/SNAP Benefits!

Cereal and oatmeal is a terrible choice for breakfast. They are super high in carbs, and often sugar. Spiking your blood sugar is not a good way to start the day. Just because it’s easy doesn’t mean it’s good.

Apparently Marco Rubio already drafted a bill that should pass now that we have control

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Bigger fish to fry than the health of Americans? If you get free money from taxpayers it shouldn’t be for soda, chips, and other junk foods. Forcing companies to remove chemicals/preservatives is a good idea. It will likely lead to higher prices.

Rubio already introduced a bill that will likely pass now that we have control of the house and senate

So if you feel that way maybe you should try and buy the food you want them to buy on their limited funds. Now I’m not saying yes or no on this because adults have choices. But to tell someone you can’t have this because your poor and I WILL dictate what you will or won’t eat is close to Communism/Socialism/ Totalitarian as it gets.


They are free to buy whatever they want …. With their money. SNAP is not intended for soda, chips, and other junk food that will ultimately lead to more medical costs that taxpayers also pay for in most cases with low income families. If I had free money given to me each month for groceries it certainly wouldn’t be wasted on sugary cereal, soda, deserts, and processed food. Making America Healthy again doesn’t happen when we enable folks to constantly eat crap. We shouldn’t be popping pills all day for diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. We shouldn’t be taking shots for weight loss. This can all be avoided with a good diet. SNAP should not be a vessel that helps the pharmaceutical industrial complex profit


If our regulators would simply do their due diligence and block the food-like substances from the stores shelves to begin with, i reckon it would suffice. Entitled as you feel to dictate people’s choices to them, thats not how we do freedom around these parts. If youre gonna strip someone of their illusion of freedom, you gotta do it in a way that they either dont notice, or ultimately agree with. Get the poisons out of their junk foods and theyll thank you. Tell them they arent allowed go choose the junk foods though, and youve driven another divisive wedge into the collective consciousness.

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Maybe instead of micromanaging what people eat, maybe we should fight to stop these companies from putting poison in our foods and making healthier options more accessible and affordable.

Yes! This would be far more effective.

It’s also less classist, ableist, sexist, etc. etc.

Corporations do not have to squeeze every last cent of profit out of their companies at the expense of:

  • The people doing the actual work. Employees deserve a living wage and benefits for full-time labor. The American taxpayer should not be paying their benefits while corporations play games with their timesheets to avoid having to give their workers health insurance.
  • Their local communities. Well-paid workers with adequate PTO contribute to their local economies. They also have time to take care of their elders, volunteer, raise decent kids, etc.
  • Their consumers. Selling a product designed to make people addicted, fat, and ill should be regulated in a manner that makes the company address the cost to society and the economy.

This is akin to putting all the recycling efforts onto individuals. It will not effectively address the problem of all that material waste. Let’s not waste the material to begin with. Reduce packaging before it ever hits the consumer.

This is the same issue. Force companies to make healthier products and have some sense of commitment to their employees and their greater community.


It’s clear discrimination to limit poor people choice of food. My family has paid taxes longer than you’ve been alive, and even though I work, I still need some assistance. Why does it bother you so much to see someone get a mountain dew once a damn month?? You should never be in a job where you can judge poor people. Especially DISABLED people. If my grandkids visit me, I grew up with desserts when we are meals and I don’t have diabetes. Therefore, I like to bake a cake, make cookies or a pie, but because we’re poor you want us to beg you for a cookie. How cruel for you to gossip on a public forum about your clients and suggest discriminating against poor citizens of the United states!


Shut the F#$K UP, you are entitled to nothing, but if you must be living on MY paycheck then I dictate the terms.

Offering incentives or a separate program that encourages the purchase of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious options. This way, families can still enjoy some of their preferred treats but in a way that doesn’t undermine their health or burden the healthcare system in the long run.

I’m confused are you saying junk food is a luxury that only people with money should have? I don’t understand why it bothers you what poor people choose to eat. Instead of targeting poor people why not take that energy and focus it toward the FDA to ban junk food for EVERYONE if your concern is health related. People on food stamps are usually not living in ideal situations… they are living with relatives or friends, or in hotels or living out their cars and don’t have access to a kitchen or the utensils to cook meals from scratch. Also most people on food stamps have children who don’t know how to cook a full meal when they get hungry and mom is gone working her 10 hour shifts. There are so many variables you have to consider. But saying junk food is a luxury that only people with money should have is not helping anyone.


This is hard for me because I agree in the overall principle but there is a moral aspect as well. I also agree with the others that we are not the 'food police". Should we outlaw subs and pizza shops as well??? Should there be limits?? At Dollar General a woman had TWELVE 12 packs of pop. Ridiculous! But poor kids should be entitled to Captain Crunch like other kids, Fresh is better and cheaper but the end result can be unedible for some and the cost prohibited. As a retired chef Iearned the appeal of grab and go. You don’t have to purchase 100 ingredients to cook a variety of dishes. A young girl tried to impress me by telling me she was making a pasta dish that cost $100. WOW!! Then I figured out she had to buy 15 ingredients to make it. I would be in favor of some type of incentive for buying better. Not sure what that is but do see a way for the gov’t to indirectly facilitate that.

Poor people buying junk food with their food stamps doesn’t change the amount of money they get so why does it matter? If it’s about people’s health then target the FDA to remove junk food for all people not just the poor

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It’s hard to define junk food, though. There are so many diets out there now. Maybe focus on overly processed foods? Most of them are crap with too much salt and sugar.

But it’s possible that some of what worked with cigarettes will work with junk food.