SNAP/Food stamps should only be used for nutritional foods and non-luxury items. These benefits shouldn’t be used for chips, soda, candy, gas station fast food, etc. Also, they should be limited to store brand items only. Most store brand products are just as good as name brand, and usually much cheaper. They should only be used for fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, & dairy products. No pricy steaks or seafood. I work 50-60 hours per week, and people on SNAP seem to be eating better than I am. Items purchased on WIC are regulated. SNAP/Food stamps should be also.
SNAP Food should be limited to WHOLE Foods only e.g., Eggs, Cheese, ~Bread, Vegetables, Meat.
I agree with most of that, I disagree with *over-*limiting it, or only allowing certain brands. I have used Food stamps and WIC, and with WIC I often found that the food I wanted wasn’t available and felt so limited. Sometimes I felt forced to buy foods knowing we wouldn’t eat it, and it goes to waste or I just give that food away.
Restriction against chips, soda, candy seems like a good idea. But keep it simple, don’t go over-board.
I know its hard with picky eaters. My kids are picky but thats when you buy ingredients to make your own treats. Cookies, cake, ect
Four, eggs, sugar main food ingredients that should be included on the approved list.
I am not a recipient but that’s overboard I think on the control store brand only?? Can’t buy a can of soda? I understand we should eat healthy but you’re saying if I use my own cash I can buy unhealthy foods but if I’m poor I can’t that’s not right. Some people are embarrassed enough to be on any assistance now you want to demonize them if they want some Oreos or ice cream? We can’t take away peoples choices no matter how dumb we think they are.
SNAP/Food stamps should be allowed at Farmer’s Markets. Participants can get whole foods of higher quality and promote the well being of local farmers at the same time.
I do agree that SNAP/Food stamps should be used for whole foods (fresh, frozen, or canned) rather than highly processed junk.
I am a disabled senior, and a recipient of Snap. Do you know how much I get a month? Twenty-three dollars. No way do I buy more with that $23.00 than people who are working and bringing home a check. The only check I get is Social Security Disability, $1273 a month. I do not need to be cut back more than I already am. We need to raise people out of poverty, not put more people in it, and it is usually seniors and or disabled who are put in it. I understand there are people out there who take unfair advantage of the system, but there are just as many, if not more, who do not, and who are barely surviving.
For the record, I don’t buy junk food or luxury items. I cook everything I ear, myself.
I understand where you are coming from. However, it may push those who abuse these services to go and get a job so they can purchase soda, Oreos, ice cream and such. BTW no one is calling anyone dumb if they are on assistance. We all come on hard times and the government should be there to help - if we cannot help ourselves. (This is the reason why we pay taxes) However, it’s not made for people to abuse and use it as a food ticket for years on end. Sure I am sure there could be some circumstances as to why someone would need it long term. Although, sadly, I see many abusing it.
When you say they seem to be, it’s because you heard it as gossip, not because it’s true. The amount of food stamps supplied never covers the full cost of food over a month, so anyone out buying filet mignon would reduce their food allotment for one week to the degree that it’s not even feasible to purchase it. One time over 17 years as a single mother did I buy filet mignon and only because I had a bonus from my job. Sometimes eating a special item is about the only thing that will raise your spirits because it’s a rough job, and one that often comes witn an entire lack of support from our communities in the way of employment. Companies would rather not hire a mother who’s priority will be her kids, not her job. We don’t need more laws, we need less . People that want to buy chips and sodas, regardless how unhealthy it is, should have the freedom to make that choice, too. Also, know that Snap has access to all your income now, so they know anyone who is cheating the program, except for a criminal who’s cheating the system and most of them are caught.
Don’t forget the homeless have no means of preparing there meals and most depend on gas station or other for ready made and hot sandwiches etc.
I think it should be raised for elderly or actual disabled adults. I think where they are coming from is when younger people have a lot of dependents, they do receive more than enough food stamps and in many cases eat better than people who work and buy their own food.
Instead of limiting it to brands, it should be made where they can only shop at grocery stores and farmer markets. I grew up on food stamps and my mom would use it at the gas station for snacks. As nice as it was when I was younger, is how wrong it feels now. Everything you buy at a gas station or convenient store, can be found at grocery stores.
Everyone in NYS making under a certain amount a month got $120 over the summer per kid for SNAP benefits. With the high prices of food, it didn’t buy me much of anything. What about buying meat? Chicken is $10 where I am. Chopped meat is $4.89 per pound. People should be able to buy treats for the kids, toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, toothpaste, any necessities. Why should they be limited?
While I understand the want to remove steaks as their pricing is ridiculous, removing seafood removes at least one key nutrient that the human body, specifically the brain, needs for proper function, not sure about you but id rather have the natural form of those nutrients than something someone put together in a lab.
I think the concept is good and warranted. I have seen some horrific carts full of total junk. Granted that is what they want to eat…I guess. I think there could be a meet in the middle approach on this concept.
Wholesome food is what should be ‘budgeted in’ to the amount they receive for benefits. If you can’t afford steak that month, then you can’t. I haven’t been able to buy steak for my family for MONTHS! Lots of lean ground beef, chicken, turkey and pork roasts happening in our house. In order to cut costs down, I also bake our own sweets and sometimes bread. We are not on assistance but we budget our bills. Maybe they should incorporate a budgeting online class . Teach them how to budget, plan meals, recipes, tips and tricks for budgeting.
I know how it is to live on a grocery budget; it’s hard but SNAP benefits need to have rules, just like WIC for women/babies.