Reduce or disband the Department of Education . Either reduce and restructure the Department or disband and start from scratch a new Department so that each State has more responsibility and control of each of their own State Board of Education from K thru 12. As long as each State meets or exceeds a minimum national test standard to be specified that concentrates on the basics of education in academics and functional life skills for our young students to be able to succeed in adulthood and to achieve a minimum standard that they could possibly choose to pursue higher education after graduating at the end of their basic education. Also to provide for a minimum national standard for adult education and alternate education for those who wish to complete the basic education in their adult years.
Give each state the option of setting up a school voucher program or other system suitable for the voters of each state to decide what course they choose on their states own education structure and administration as long as it meets or exceeds a minimum national standard to be specified. The end goal is to create a minimum standard and to give options to each state and it’s voters to choose what is best for their own educational needs.
The Federal Government would provide some portion of funding for certain reasons as later specified. Example : To incourage a voucher program and give parents more say and choice in their children’s education , The Federal Government will provide some funding for school voucher in the case of a voucher program where parents can decide what school they choose to send their child with in a reasonable specified distance from their residence . This would create initiative for each State Board of Education , School zones, individual schools and teachers to focus on the education of their students to achieve higher standards in academics and life skills for their future and better prepare them for success into adulthood.
Any program that shows success the more it is to be funded or subsidized by the Federal government . The least successful the more likely it will be scrapped and replaced by a proven snd more successful program. The measure of success would be high standers of results on testing in academics and achievements of the students .
Any students who fall short of a minimum standard would have a chance to correct their short falls or be assigned to a specialized program determined by each states system or administration.This would include one on one tutoring. programs, separate class rooms for students requiring specialized assistance or assigned specialized schools as needed for each states requirements to match a students needs That student can then be given more individual attention and attempt to assist that student to improve on his or her best potential. Each state will be responsible to have programs that help identify students that may require special or unconventional education needs.
At a minimum each State will have to meet or exceed a minimum national requirement that each parent or guardian is to be kept informed of the students educational particulars such as the subjects and curriculum taught. Status of behaviors, progress and any status personal , physical or otherwise . If any parent or guardian inquires to the students status no matter if it be mental, physical , academic or otherwise . The school faculty and School board is to inform that parent or guardian to the best of their ability of that students status. No information concerning a student under adult age is to be with held from a parent or guardian. Any violation of this will lead to legal action and may cause liability charges against individual members and employees of the state and local school board. In severe cases Federal criminal charges will be filed . The rights of the parents and guardians concerning their underaged children welfare, mental , physical , education or otherwise information and status will be upheld.
For the most part each State will have the responsibility and right to set up how they plan to meet or exceed minimum national standards . Also to give each States voters the opportunity to have some say in those decisions. As long as a minimum standard is upheld . If a state fails to maintain a minimum standard the federal Government will have the right to intervene on behalf of citizens as determined by the legislative and or executive branches of federal government.