Education Overhaul

Convert existing high schools into career-focused schools to accommodate the wide interests of students to match local and national employment and entrepreneurial needs.
Funding must be equal to all disciplines. This is the root principle to prevent ‘class’ differentiation as is the current status of STEM, Magnet and other ‘special needs’ groups.
Middle school should expose all students to four languages (English, Spanish compulsory, and a choice between French, German, or Mandarin). Also a full exposure to Accounting, History, Geography, Science, Math, and Workshop (wood, welding, mechanic, cooking).
Physical Education, Health Education and Arts (music, painting, dance, and art history), should be mandatory from elementary school levels.
States will have control over the conversion process and budget with federal guidance of the framework and oversight from the new, small Department of Potential Development.
Finally, very teacher, assistant, and administrator must reapply for their jobs, explain why they are suited for a particular position. All content (curriculum) delivery should focus on practical application in the real world.

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