Create a set of standards for education

We should have a set of required courses and certain curriculum items that are standard across the country. All other countries that rank higher than us in education have a strong standardized curriculum.

Wrong…this is a bad policy proposal. America needs to be going the opposite way, removing the federal government from schools. This policy proposal calls for CENTRALIZATION of national education through common education rules and regulations. Remember “Common Core”? This policy proposal would actually make that happen, with federal government agencies (like the DOE) standardizing eductation practices.

The proper way forward is the the complete removal of the failed Dept of Education, clawing back all outstanding funds, and DECENTRALIZING the education system by pushing this responsibility back to the individual states, where it properly belongs.

This policy proposal calls for more of the same that caused America to rank #40 out of 40 countries across the planet. We should not double down on failed education policy with more poorly thought-out policy. The Deep State hates decentralization because it is more difficult for them to control from a central location. This is a Deep State proposal and we should be pushing this educational control out to the states, where there is has less chance of being hijacked nation-wide by treasonous and destuctive dictates like “Common Core”. The states need to determine the mental preparedness of their next generations of citizens…not Washington DC or progressive fanatical indoctrination cults.

How does that help? Why should we create more work to have an imbalanced system of education? Students will be learning different material, and if they move completely unable to catch up.

Again, the majority of countries with higher-ranked education systems have a completely centralized curriculum.

I am not suggesting completely standard curriculum, but some things need to be standard across the country. Otherwise there is no point in requiring kids to go to school, because some won’t be learning at all/enough to get by.

Dear child…the majority of counties with higher-ranked education do not push for centralized messages of “Diversity is our strength” on their population. They push the opposite. But things change and the Dept of Education evaporates as we speak .Fact is , many Americans are 10 steps ahead of many other globalist individuals who might wish to defeat Amrerica. Please do better, dear.

Granted, I am only Sue, yet…can you gather how many Susans* are in America,? There is an army of them; and the U.S. Giant is now again Awakening. It will take a generation to put this monster back to sleep. This is what you fear most…the stirring of global American power, itching fora level playing field, economically. Keep selling your bananas dear. They are as important as fleas on a dog’s back. Translate that one. :face_with_monocle: :us:. Tit-for-tat, son. You might be a worthy backboard when I make my points to the rest of a wakening America. Tic -toc.