These policies share the common theme of banning pharmaceutical companies from advertising on television. I would recommend making the parent proposal @ThomasPaine’s post because it has the most votes, and it includes a provision for requiring financial disclosures from doctors.
I’m not particularly concerned with this issue as I think television is well on it’s way to irrelevancy in the news and information arena, but I’m certainly not opposed, and this merge should happen to reduce duplicates.
Not only ban advertising in all media including and especially on-line media but also payments to media by companies (Drugola) to influence their programming and/or algorithms. They can stop advertising but continue to make payments to control messaging as they did throughout the Covid years. No payments by large companies or their representatives to any media whether it be legacy or new media. Transparency should also be included. All media must disclose their funding sources and amounts so the people can follow the money.
`I agree; however, there more that needs to be accomplished. I have worked in the healthcare industry for years and am a past healthcare reporter. I’ve witnessed the pharmaceutical/coverage changes through the years; and consulted for a number of hospitals/healthcare agencies. My gripe is the high cost of drugs. Magazines are full of two-page ads. One is in color touting the advantages of a particular drug and asking you to “As your MD for XYZ” drug! Whatever happened to the doc prescribing the best drug for the problem, considering the patient, his other meds, etc.? The second page is b&w listing all the contraindications and side effects/dangers of the drug. The color page is astronmical in cost. And the second isn’t cheap either. They all are required to rain disacllaimers (more space) BUT, we need to know all the details of the drug. Pharmaceutical salespeople give physicians, nurses, PAs, and nurse-practitioners gifts for pushing their respective drugs.Once, when I was in sales, I was told, if the doctor’s wife wants a Gucci handbag, buy it for her…" I didn’t stay there too long! How about reducing the ad to one page or less. maybe half color and the rest B&W? Eliminate “Ask your doctor…” I’d love to sit down and talk to Robert Kennedy, Jr. about what can be done. Obviously, the pharmaceuticals are passing the costs on to us. I am 86, and take some very expensive medicines, some of which are biologicals (higher cost). Luckily, I have insurance, etc. Thank goodness I can afford it, but I know what is driving the costs higher! I am still active and go to the gym three days/week. I could shed the light on the problem based on my career and personal issues.
They don’t advertise to sell the drug, they advertise to control the media. Pharma then can dictate what is covered and what is not covered. No mainstream media covered the RFK Jr. presidential campaign even though he had over 20% of teh voters in polls. Directly due to big pharma control of media. Drug costs are too high but we are enormously overprescribed. Natural or generic medications that they cannot profit from (like ivermectin) are buried and made unavailable. The entire system is corrupt. Once they clean out the system, healthcare will decrease in cost by half or more.