Stay-At-Home Income Tax Cut

Implement a substantial income tax cut for families with a stay-at-home parent. Married couples with one or more children must file under a certain tax status, and cannot exceed a certain level of income earned on the part of the stay-at-home parent. A substantial level of income will be returned to the breadwinning parent to provide for the family.

This policy is pro-family. Family life is central to the American dream. Recently, this dream has become increasingly difficult, and even unattainable for many people. This policy will help working-class Americans realize those dreams. The reality of parenthood for many Americans involves a period of staying home with their children. This may be either a preference or a prerequisite for having children, but many families struggle to balance this dynamic with the economic necessity of a two income household. For this reason, many have less children, or avoid having children at all. Many others struggle to maintain this balance with their children today. Returning income to the breadwinner will ease the hardship for many families now, helping to return a fundamental and common good to millions of Americans. It will also afford many more the opportunity for the dynamic they need. This policy will likely lead to more babies being born per couple. Given the decreasing birthrate, this should be a priority. It may also increase the number of families started, as couples may be more likely to marry, and start a family knowing their ideal relationship dynamic is possible. Additionally, children tend to benefit from having a stay-at-home parent.

Parenthood and family life is central to a free, functioning, and just society, and the state has a responsibility to protect it.


This is a great idea. Surely with Vance as VP and all of his discussion about changing our policies to better support families and children something like this will happen. Families need to be able to afford being single-income.


If Trump ends the income tax, none of this matters.

No income tax > receiving tax credits.


It’s a good idea unless you have already worked you butt off and raised all your children, then you’re home alone on SS with no help at all! Living on about 800$ month


If Trump succeeds, that $800 goes a lot further unless you buy foreign only.
Food, services, all that stuff will get cheaper because tariffs will give us 100s of billions that will go towards the debt and spur a deflationary event we’ve never seen in this country before. Soon companies will bring jobs back stateside, foreign companies will build in the US again. Things will level out and we’ll have more money in our pockets that goes further.
You should make a proposal for SS increases tied to a living income or at least an increase to represent the amount you would have received paying into some sort of life insurance with compound interest over so many years. It’s insane because I feel like they only give you the amount of money you paid into it and they kept the interest.


Why should only stay at home parents get a tax break and not working parents? What about the working Mothers who are drowning in day care costs? A lot of women have spent years and thousands of dollars on their careers to provide their children a good life, with the cost of childcare all that work seems to be for nothing. What about the women who are nurses, doctors, lawyers, police officers, military/government personnel who have careers yet still cannot afford child care? I feel like the child tax break should increase, it should not be based on if someone is dual income or single income, it should be based on the total household income/ how many children a family has.


you’d rather this new generation of parent suffer just because the older generation did? We can start this and then work our way up to helping those who are on ss. everything doesn’t change overnight.


I agree with all areas here. I am the the breadwinner in our household and my wife stays at home taking care of my 4,8,12 yr old and our household. I make just over 100,000 a year and that used to be enough. Now we are always short and having to rely on cards. There should be a way to account for this because it is family first and it is important for our country and our values.

That said I agree that parents who are both working need help but I think this is it also. If there is a relationship this could help the couple make the choice for a stay at home parent.

If there is a single parent then there should be an additional provision , but don’t put down this good idea.

If you already raised kids remember what it was like and let’s all support each other.

I have been reading and voting on things that don’t directly affect me but I want each other to do better.
Let’s all do better. USA


This would make a difference in so many lives. As a mother of 3 I have to work part time to contribute to my husband’s income and even then it’s barely enough to get by. He’s making the most money he ever has at his job and the economy is eating us alive. This would help so much in making a parent (mother or father, whoever stays home) available to our children ensuring their safety and emotional well-being during their formative years and beyond. Perhaps this could even be tied into the homeschool initiative in some way.


I disagree. Both can get handled simultaneously (and they have to). We don’t want to lose our elderly, the experience and wisdom they (sometimes) have is best handed down through conversation (some of my best and most inspirational discussions took place when my Grandfather and I were sitting down talking). The tariffs can also be used to fix the SS system and increase those payments provided they actually get rid of the dead weight in the government. Then the younger crowd gets the benefits from the taxes and the elderly get the benefits of an improved system. That said, if he destroys the Federal Reserve and gets us away from taxes completely, this doesn’t matter unless he uses the benefits to encourage the states to take care of their elderly better.


This is a great idea. Also with more people staying home with their kids, we could also use tax money to create more 3rd spaces for people to go out to. Parks, rec areas, etc. it would really help strengthen the communities. More people would have the option to homeschool as well.

I really hope this can get some traction.


My wife is trying to find a remote job part time. She can’t work during the day since we have pick up and drop offs for vpk, elementary and middle school. We can’t afford to put them in aftercare which is just kids sitting waiting for pick up longer. I feel your pain and so many others do


I think this is a great idea. Also helps homeschool families. Many countries help with childcare costs. I’m not sure how it works but that should be something that’s worked on as well as the child tax credit she going back up to age 18. Just because a kid turns 18 they are not adults and the age of adulthood should change as well. Their brains aren’t even fully developed for goodness sake.


All my kids are raised and starting families of their own. Implementing this now doesn’t help me, but it helps my kids and grandbabies.
This is about helping the future, not the past.

My son’s wife is a stay at home mom. He’s in the military. I wholeheartedly believe they should get enormous tax credits to allow her to remain home raising the kids, keeping the house good, and supporting my son.

I was a stay at home mom for many years. I wish we had help like this. It will be great for future families, allowing parents to raise their kids vs paying someone else to do it.


This would definitely encourage a higher birth rate for the country and be very helpful to many in poorer neighborhoods


Income tax, or any other type of direct tax is unconstitutional. They need abolished. :-1:

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Working parents already get tax breaks. This would be a tax break for those claiming head of household that have an extra burden as sole bread winner. Kind of like there are exemptions, deductions, and credits that dual working families get that single families and sole bread winner/ families with a parent that stays home do not get. Just because you would not qualify for this does not mean it should not stand. IF you want another deduction for dual working parents write up a new policy in another thread.


YES! It is time to give our children their parents back!


As a new mom returning to work this could potentially be the solution our household needs for me to be a stay at home mom. Although the only debt we have is our mortgage, as of right now it’s not feasible for both of us not to work. While we live inside our means, the exploding costs of groceries and mortgage makes it impossible to live off one income even if it’s over the state average household income.

Staying at home your child’s first three years of life is so important for their development- I feel so much guilt that it’s not currently an option for us.