Health insurance coverage for holistic care

We should be able to get health insurance coverage for holistic health care to treat and help prevent illness and other major medical conditions. Naturopathic practitioners and their recommended treatments should be covered.


This is so so important! Holistic Drs are so healing. They actually tackle health from other approaches that Americans need! Cost of the care out of pocket is as o expensive. It really limits to whom can make this choice for healing or treatment.


Yes! 100% agree!


we need to put more emphasis on Preventive Medicine


I agree, we need to help others learn the benefits of holistic medicine as well and move away from our current flawed system. It starts with the medical field, we need to revamp our education and go back to evidence based approaches and we need transparent research that can easily be audited. This can be achieved by using technology like blockchain to help bring transparency to the medical field and help give people more trust over the studies they rely on to make informed decisions.


Yes I agree . Coverage for holistic medicine . Stay away from
Big pharma .


I feel as if we should not also have to pay medical taxes if you are staying consistently healthy, workout or are active, hold a gym membership and are active at least 3 times a week, workout classes etc.

Completely agree! I have very little trust in our medical care and no trust or respect for the insurance companies or pharma! We need to teach our people and our children in school how to use natural healing methods etc. traditional medicine is needed at times, however the power and corporation within destroys their overall benefit to the people.

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Many holistic providers choose to not utilize insurance because insurance companies dictate how you care for your patients. That needs to stop. Insurance companies need to stop telling providers how to practice.

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Holistic Dr’s focus on the entire person, not just the symptom. Pharma dictates the Western Medical protocols, which is all about managing symptoms with their drugs, vs. treating the root cause of disease. Nutrition, and fixing deficiencies should be the first course of treatment, not meds that treat a symptom only, often causing more problems.


I AGREE! It should be our RIGHT to choose whether we want to be treated holistically or conventionally. I personally do not go to the doctors for fear of how they practice, not to mention that many doctors are left wingers and if they get a whiff of our conservative values we are NOT treated well, not to mention how we are treated for never receiving the covid vaccine, we should not have to be scared for our lives to address a health issue

I had this idea myself. I 100% agree. Give people options to choose care that they want instead of only western medicine and pharmacopoeia.