Flat Income Tax of 10%

Move to a Flat Income tax of no more than 10% for ALL citizens with the exception of active duty military and veterans who should be tax exempt.

Stop taxation of money already taxed. No property tax, etc.


This is a great idea. We are taxed for everything. Tax on your wages, then paying sales tax to spend my money then paying state income tax on the money they already taxed then paying property tax after I already paid sales tax. I recently won a jackpot in Las Vegas $14,000. The state wants 5% tax and federal income tax is 29% so they want over 1/3 of my $14,000. My husband received an annual bonus at work and after taxes, he got half of the bonus. The bonus threw him into a higher tax bracket, and he paid higher taxes for the rest of the year. Up until 1913 Americans kept all their earnings. Despite this we still had schools Roads colleges. railroads, subways an Army, and Navy. Tell me again why taxes are necessary oh, I know to send to Ukraine to fund wars, to send money to Israel.

I have said for years that we are paying taxes on already taxed money. TAXATION IN THE USA IS OUT OF CONTROL.

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President Trump is offering to take the U.S. back to the days of tariffs, before there was income tax – I completely back this idea, since we have control over what new items that we buy, and thus have control over how much money stays in our pockets.

  • Income tax (of any sort) = YOU HAVE NO CONTROL (aside from hiding earnings in a black market economy)
  • Tariffs = YOU HAVE TOTAL CONTROL (buy stuff used, second-hand, and cash only)

All tax on income should be abolished and replaced with tariffs. Unlike income taxes, tariffs create an incentive for mfg companies to return to American shores once more in order to avoid said tariffs. Doing so will create more jobs and local industry, further reducing overall business costs and increasing per capita standard of living. Stopping property taxes, I can understand and support, since it is unconstitutional county-level extortion and theft. My two cents. Thx.