Change federal taxation to 10% flat tax across-the-board so we can fire 90% of the IRS workers. At the present the taxation has become too complicated with rules on rules making it extremely time consuming and stressful to file taxes. This would eliminate tax loop holes since everyone would be treated equally without opportunities for cheating.
Why not do away with personal income tax?
Maybe better yet…
Replace income and property taxes with Trump tariffs and a flat tax on new items. Distribute the revenue appropriately between the federal govt and states based on their county populations and criticial infrastructure needs.
This knocks out yearly hassles and wealth confiscation on the two largest annual tax burdens for Americans (income and property taxes), leaving more money to be spent on new items that fuel the flat tax and cover county- and state-level govt services, roads, and school costs. And…
America is Made A Little Bit Better Again.
Or do you like I did I joined and I’m a student in good standing with!!! And I don’t pay federal or state of Montana taxes!! And Peymon the creator of Freedom Law School hasn’t paid a federal tax since 1996 and he’s won every single court case in the tax courts !! Trump knows about him. There’s a lot of senators and congressman is on his podcast that you can watch on YouTube or you can call the school in Florida and he will tell you all about it and every Tuesday at 7 PM Eastern standard time on his podcast his questions and answers so you can ask him any question
I think a flat tax with is a great idea. I would only add that there should not be taxes on food and household staples ( tp, cleaners and shampoo…). We should also not tax used items like cars.
I couldn’t agree more!
Before you get too enamored with a flat tax… realize 2 things:
- 10% soon becomes 12%… then 15%… then 20%… and then 25%. And then we’re right back where we started.
- That 10% tax isn’t what you have to pay… it’s the 90% that you’re ALLOWED to keep. Income tax is a tax on labor. And a tax on labor is effectively slavery… working on Uncle Sam’s Plantation.
Import taxes avoid that situation.
It would be best to distribute the revenue directly to the counties otherwise small red counties like mine will never see a dime of it. That is the situation in Washington State where the Seattle metroplex gets most of the tax revenues due to our commie governors.
Income should not be taxed at all. It aggravates me that my taxes are higher as a single person when I have just as many expenses as a married person with 2 incomes which include a mortgage, car payment, insurance, etc, but I am forced to have to file as single which costs me more in tax. This current system is not fair. I also live in communist Illinois where taxes are still increasing. I have to retire to another state because I cant afford to retire here
Let’s lower that to 1%, maximum, never to be increased
I completely understand and agree-- the parasites of our society tend to cluster like massive balls of leeches in major urban areas, as everyone knows.
Unfortunately, the state govt exerts a bit of control over its county governments. If we could get around that unfortunate little detail, I think the majority of us in rural areas would love to bypass that “great sucking sound of crumbling metro-infrastructure, wasteful welfare programs, and crooked politicians” bellowing from out of our blue capital cities.
Love your description, much kinder and politer than mine would be! I’ll keep making noise about it whenever I can.
Just an FYI, the American Revolution was fought over a 2% tax. 2%, all I’m saying. So if 2% is too high, you say 10%? Too high for me.
In August 2020, the entire wage tax was suspended. Until December 31, 2020. The income tax advance payment for annual income up to 100.000 Dollars as well.
Something like this is helping us again now
All taxes are null and void according to constitution. Flat use tax for new non essential items only !
All taxes null and void other than a use tax . We would be saving tons of money … tax only on new non essential items
NO taxes period. There’s plenty of money going around to cover any expenses the govt needs to run efficiently. The public just isn’t being made aware of it!
All the gold (quadrillions) they recovered from the 1.5 mile long tunnel underneath the Vatican as a start. And there’s more. They’re just not telling you. They’re letting you believe that there’s a limited supply and that they need to collect from you. It’s all BS. Taxes are unconstitutional and they are theft no matter how you look at it. People were living prosperously pre-1913 when this whole cartel was formed. If they could do it then, we could do it now.