No IRS. No April 15th. Taking home GROSS PAY. Only paying a 10% tax on purchases. This is how everyone pays their fair share! Wealthy will still buy 2 and 3 houses and cars. Low and middle will have enough to invest. Government will have enough money to spend wisely… This would work as long as the government doesn’t get greedy and raise the rate like Canada.
I originally heard of this idea from Neal Bortz, radio talk show host, who has since passed away. He wrote a book on it. The first time I heard about it was in the nineties. It made so much sense.
The government has been taxing our same money 20 different ways and are spending it on things that aren’t beneficial to the American people.
I like tariffs replacing the income tax better. Its what helped build this country
This would include no income tax. No taxes except sales tax.
The tariff would be an optional sales tax on imports only and lead to an industrial boom
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