10% Flat tax for all citizens

A flat tax applies the same rate to every taxpayer regardless of income and allows no deductions or exemptions.

Implementing a flat tax rate of 10% for all Americans, with no increases based on income brackets. Additionally, there will be no option to “opt out” of this tax unless an alternative form of community contribution is made (military, volunteer, public service, etc.) and this provision will apply only to those in the lower tax bracket.

A directive imposing a requirement on individuals earning over $100 million annually to allocate an additional 5-10% of their income to a government entity or a charitable organization of their selection. Dependant on their income.

Non-citizens, with temporary visas, residing in the United States are subject to a flat 25% federal tax rate on all income generated within the country. This tax obligation applies regardless of the source of income and is consistent across various types of earnings.

There will be no requirements for income tax, property tax, or any additional forms of taxation.

Until the national debt is addressed, individuals in the middle and upper tax brackets will incur an additional tax burden of 5% aimed at national debt consolidation. Conversely, those in the lower income bracket will be subject to a reduced rate of 2.5% for the same purpose.


I’d rather a 0% tax, ending the Fed, and going back to sound money such as having a gold back currency.

This country used to be rolling in money from tariffs alone. On top of that, the income tax was supposed to be temporary. We do not need more taxes.

Plus, with my idea of new Treasuries posted in the Economy section the government would have all of the money it would ever need, especially with tariffs.


This proposal outlines the implementation of a flat tax system intended to replace the current multi-tiered tax structure. It suggests the elimination of all other forms of taxation, leaving a singular flat tax rate applicable to all citizens. Given the extensive funding needs of essential services, it is critical to streamline federal spending, which has become excessively bloated, while still recognizing the indispensable role of the federal government within our republic.

The adoption of this tax would necessitate compliance from both state and federal levels. While tariffs serve as a valuable source of revenue, they are insufficient to cover the billions required for military funding and public emergency services. Achieving a tax rate of 0% may be unrealistic; however, the proposed flat tax could be structured to provide a lower rate than current tax burdens faced by citizens, facilitating a more equitable tax environment.

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A simple 10% tax for every American is fair I would say wave it for people on Social Security but all other Americans up to a certain point 10% is fair and then an additional 5% to 10% for the extremely wealthy and a while we’re at it I believe business is also need a flat tax I don’t know the percentage I’m not that wise of a person but they definitely need to have a flat tax no deductions no nothing just flat tax based on their sales


Yes, that message was clear.
My message is also clear: Do not tax my income.

The government does not own a single portion of what I worked for.

The government can balance its budget and pay down the national debt by eliminating nearly all government positions, spending wisly (ie stop spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign wars that have nothing to do with us), and living within its means, which it has utterly refused to do. Returning to the gold standard would also end inflation, which erodes our purchasing power.

The government can rake in all the money it needs with tariffs. I wouldn’t mind a small sales tax on non essentials, but that’s about it. Plus the government can earn revenue by issuing treasuries as well as making its own investments.

I strongly disagree with being penalized for the government’s past mismanagement and the government does not own even 1 cent of my hard earned money.


Wouldn’t you rather keep 100% of your hard earned money and let the government go back to earning its revenue from tariffs? You could even include a small sales tax on non essentials, and issuing Treasuries for fund raising.


You do realize that treasuries are basically alone? You issue bonds at a value today at overtime becomes a higher value that the person presents back to you in order to get that money. It is showing bonds is a short term way to raise some capital for a project, but it is not a way to fund a government that will need cash continuously.

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I truly believe that a flat tax is the way to go. The amount of that taxes yet to be determined however it needs to be lower than what the current median federal tax bracket is currently. I do think you need to have some regulation and exceptions in that families who are in poverty certainly need assistance. I would think that those below the poverty level should be exempt as they struggle to have enough money for the basic necessities. I do believe that eliminating all loopholes will satisfy those calling for the quote Rich to pay their fair share quote as there will no longer be giant loop poles within the tax structure for them to hide income.

Within the same, client is a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. Until we rain in spending the federal deficit will continue to rise. There can be some exceptions written within the amendment to allow an unbalanced budget for certain unforeseen catastrophic issues. However, those imbalances would have to be addressed within a five-year timeframe by reducing the budget for the next several years on other more Elective spending. This would potentially allow government to go into slight debt for things like natural, disasters, and congressional declarations of war.


0% income tax, only sales tax.


Read my reform idea for Treasuries:

If you had actually read my message “Plus, with my idea of new Treasuries posted in the Economy section the government would have all of the money it would ever need, especially with tariffs.” you wouldn’t think I’m confused.

I also said “The government can rake in all the money it needs with tariffs.”

And “I wouldn’t mind a small sales tax on non essentials, but that’s about it.”

Maybe you need some sleep?

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It is our debt whether its the governments fault or not. We voted for them. We as a people need to take responsibility.

It’s crucial to avoid attributing a lack of sleep to disagreements. The argument for zero taxation has not been substantiated effectively, and current public sentiment appears to favor alternative perspectives. Furthermore, relying solely on tariffs to meet the funding requirements of a nation as expansive as ours lacks empirical backing. Many entities that necessitate funding today did not exist a century ago, and sales tax alone is insufficient for our fiscal needs.

Consolidation of the national debt should be a priority. Following this, we might explore adjusting the flat tax rate to a range of 2%-5%, serving as a measured alternative to the existing tax framework without triggering significant upheaval. This reform could garner bipartisan support. The primary contention surrounding the flat tax system relates to the left’s concern over wealth redistribution—a notion that currently seems less consequential for the majority of Americans, based on recent electoral outcomes.

Let’s engage in this discussion with civility and mutual respect, steering clear of disingenuous rhetoric.

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You start out with a flat fair tax rate and then immediately go-to imposing higher taxes on the most successful. We would not need as much tax collection if we eliminated most foreign aid and proxy conflicts. Not to mention the money saved on a smaller more efficient federal government.

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The proposed framework introduces a tax rate that is lower than any currently existing rates across all income brackets. The additional 5% is not classified as a traditional tax but rather as a mandated contribution to charitable organizations or government agencies. This initiative aims to engage individuals with annual incomes exceeding $100 million in community welfare. Contributors have the flexibility to allocate their funds to any cause or organization of their choice, including their own charitable foundations, provided that the donations yield a tangible benefit to the public.

The proposal for national debt management emphasizes creating a streamlined approach to debt repayment, allowing for a more rapid and efficient resolution. Furthermore, individuals in lower income brackets, specifically those below the poverty line, could be offered alternatives to cash tax payments through participation in community service or public service initiatives. The current tax system is excessively cumbersome and could benefit from reforms that promote equitable participation across all income levels.

This approach would empower higher-income individuals by granting them greater discretion regarding the allocation of their tax contributions. While it’s valid to hold differing perspectives, I argue that implementing a 0% tax rate alongside a progressive tax system is neither equitable nor practical. A flat tax serves as an advantageous compromise that has the potential to garner bipartisan support. By adopting this model, we could facilitate a tax environment where all Americans effectively contribute less in taxes while still supporting necessary public services.

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Taxes are volentary. Title 26. Also wages are paid in FRN and are obligations of the US corp and are tax exempt. See title 31. Gold back money. Government down size and fund itself on tarrifs. Sales tax runs the state governments. End property tax as its a direct tax on land. Violates title 1 section 2 clause 3 of the constitution.

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this idea wouldn’t work described. You cannot eliminate business deductions. E.g. you run a grocery store, every checkout you receive $100 but your margin is 2% or $2. You cannot be taxed 10% of $100.

I think what you want to say is let’s eliminate all income tax to simplify life! Then businesses won’t need to track expenses and all the craziness and spend that comes with it! Easy Peasy. Let’s just rely on sales taxes like the great state of Texas does (they have no income tax!!)

People can simply pay a bill for services they use directly or indirectly.

The fairest tax is on consumption ONLY. the more you spend the more you pay. This is the only way to tax the richest more and stop stealing with an income tax a percentage of the precious time any person takes working to earn money.

There are other ways to lower the deficit. Before even considering a flat tax rate, deflate the bloat. Completely overhaul the medical industry putting reasonable caps on what they can charge for services. Allow for science based alternative natural medicine that doesn’t cause the myriad of cascading diseases that follow many traditional treatments. This impacts the ginormous cost of the socialized medical system we have in place.
Evaluate all social services, if the program doesn’t meet its goals, it doesn’t get funded. Social services should be a temporary measure to help in time of need, it currently creates dependency, sometimes multigenerational.
Stop the war on small American agriculture . Create an economic environment where a small farmer can make a livable wage and drastically lessen subsidies.
Become an export producer of everything we have to offer. Not only of energy but be the manufacturing hub of the world.
Create fiscally responsible states, cities and towns so they are not reliant on government funding. This can also be done through increased manufacturing but also living within the means of the local economy.
Audit and remove all gray areas of government spending. Keep a tight lid on the piggy bank. With the above methods in place, the costs of supplies would also significantly decrease. If we make it here, it’s going to be more affordable.
Create an economy where people can buy what they need outright without needing loans for basic items like cars and homes.
Evaluate every school system in the country and its spending. You don’t need tens of millions of dollars for less than two thousand students. Let local farmers supply the food it needs for the lunch program rather than outsource, as much as possible.
This is in addition to tariffs on imports, which should be an incentive to bring back manufacturing to the United States.
Federal agencies should be decentralized and shrunk giving authority back to states, cities, towns. Have states become responsible for their own needs and resources.


My thoughts from other tax posts:




There are many comments about this being a state issue, but I believe it is already covered in the Constitution. You cannot tax basic rights. The government can’t stop you from traveling, owning property, feeding your family, or defending your property and family. I believe the right case going to ths Supreme Court would end the property tax.

People will argue about needing a driver’s license and such, but they are only required for interstate commerce. People just don’t know that or don’t want to deal with the hassle of ill-informed law enforcement.

To simplify things , I believe a constitutional amendment ending property/vehicle taxes and associated fees of all kinds, salary tax, and any tax that affects retirees should be implemented immediately.

Alongside this, the legislature should pass a bill that make sales tax the only legal tax on American citizens. These taxes should be capped at a combined 6% during peace time. I propose this to be broken down as follows: 3% to the county, 2% to the state, and 1% to the federal government. Obviously this prioritizes moving power and responsibilities back to the local government and leaving the federal to focus on infrastructure and defense.

I also favor siloing these tax dollars.

As an example, if the tax is collected at the gas pump, charging station, hydrogen dispenser or who knows what else in the future then that goes to the road department. A system like this prevents special interests from stealing from needed programs to embezzle into their pet projects.

Lastly, I recognize there will be a time when conflict arises and Congress should also be able to add 1% in times of war, which must be reauthorized every year or it falls away. This can only be brought to a vote when CONGRESS votes to enact a state of war, not a President or a General.

This would bring the maximum possible tax to 7%. Any other funds needed would have to be brought to the public and negotiated through bonds etc.

If we place hard caps on taxes, specify where the money goes, and make everything else illegal then we don’t have to ever sweat these issue again.

Another benefit is that the IRS would no longer be needed. All tax dollar distribution would be automated based on where it was collected. We would replace this entitity designed to audit citizens with an auditor of how the government is using these funds.

Lastly, we need to end the Federal Reserve’s relation with our government. The inflation they cause is a tax in itself and cannot effectively add to our tax bill if we rely on sales tax. A pair of scissors that cost $8, when it previously cost $1, will generate significantly more tax dollars.

Thank you for reading this and I welcome any comments.

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