End property taxes!

That is precisely my point as well. Property tax extortion needs to be fixed at the federal level; since the states over-stepped their rights the moment they “invented” property taxes and removed the right for persons “to be secure in their homes” under threat of forced home seizure and extortion payments based on conjured-up yearly debt placed on unrealized property values.

This isn’t about how stuff gets funded – its about how Americans are being robbed of their wealth and homes. Those who argue the financial side of this American Theft, are probably benifiting financially in some way for this disgusting annual extortion of wealth to continue, at the expense of Elder-American Security…and their argument in defense of continuing property taxation is the same lame exuse used by all of them – them, pretending to be ‘brain-injured’ or mentally retarded, and unable to entertain the possibility that other resources could be found, instead of stealing grandma’s house for that critically needed $500 in back taxes. They are starting to sound like that ever-repeating radio song that instantly causes everyone in the area to reach toward the radio knob at the same time, for an immediate “station change”.

UPDATE: And hot off the presses…a brand new policy proposal was just now created to address the many concerns in this forum. A link to this proposal is provided below: