End property taxes!

If the term “property tax” suddenly disappeared, the only proper phrase to replace it is: "property extortion". The whole concept of annually extracting wealth from property owners under threat of said property being stolen from them and resold to another potential property tax payer is ciminal, and the term for it is: Extortion.

Private property protection was one of the founding tenants of the Constitution, keeping the British Crown from stealing wealth from the colonists. This is NOT a state issue – it is a Constitutional issue and thus, should be resolved by a heavy hand from the Federal Government, forcing states to stop the plundering and find other ways to fund their excess spending programs. The Federal government should publically put the states on notice to end the illegal practice of property tax extortions, forced sherriff sales of private properties, and asset seizures, Failure to comply should result in heavy penalties for the state via the federal government, since this practice is a clear violation of Constitutional rights and rupugnant to the Constitution. This is a federal issue to force the states to comply, since the states cannot overide federal law that was already in existence, and the Constitution is the FIRST and HIGHEST federal law of the land. Nuf said.

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