End property taxes!

I agree , end property taxes. We pay it when we purchase the property we shouldn’t have yo keep paying it. It’s robbery .

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End property taxes - and if they can’t end it, it should be a one time fee at the time of purchase. Otherwise we rent our land.


My mom had to leave her home in Texas because she couldn’t afford both food and mortgage payments. She attempted to sell the house, but the realtor advised her that “mortgage rates are too high.” I suggested she rent it out and move to a more affordable place for a year, and she followed my advice. However, she later received a letter from Rockwall County notifying her that her “over 65” discount and “homestead exemption” would be revoked since she wasn’t living in the house. This will nearly double her property taxes, increasing them from about $6,000 a year to around $10,000. The taxes were based on her original home price of approximately $335,000, and as a senior, they were supposed to remain stable. Now, with a new valuation of about $550,000, her taxes can increase annually since it’s no longer classified as her homestead. She can’t afford to move back in, and she can’t continue renting to the current tenant because their rent is based on the discounted property taxes she wasn’t aware she would lose. With the new tax burden, her home is too costly to attract new renters, and rising interest rates are making it impossible for her to sell. Thank you, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

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If the term “property tax” suddenly disappeared, the only proper phrase to replace it is: "property extortion". The whole concept of annually extracting wealth from property owners under threat of said property being stolen from them and resold to another potential property tax payer is ciminal, and the term for it is: Extortion.

Private property protection was one of the founding tenants of the Constitution, keeping the British Crown from stealing wealth from the colonists. This is NOT a state issue – it is a Constitutional issue and thus, should be resolved by a heavy hand from the Federal Government, forcing states to stop the plundering and find other ways to fund their excess spending programs. The Federal government should publically put the states on notice to end the illegal practice of property tax extortions, forced sherriff sales of private properties, and asset seizures, Failure to comply should result in heavy penalties for the state via the federal government, since this practice is a clear violation of Constitutional rights and rupugnant to the Constitution. This is a federal issue to force the states to comply, since the states cannot overide federal law that was already in existence, and the Constitution is the FIRST and HIGHEST federal law of the land. Nuf said.

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How about full allodial title/land patent? That system would end building codes and other nonsense as well. Let’s go all the way.

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Look to other tax options, such as income, fees, or sales tax. You don’t have to fund local governments with property tax.

Of course, cutting cost is the first step. Most of it is school funding, and our education system needs to be “reimagined” to leverage cost saving technologies like online courses, homeschooling support, national programming, etc. Academia has become nothing but a corrupt political operation anyhow. We can do better.

we need a constitution amendment to the bill of rights limiting the nature and scope of taxes and public services.

IIRC 50% of state revenues go to pensions and benefits for retirees, WTF is that ?


This makes complete sense. You should not have to keep paying taxes on something that you own and have to pay taxes on when you first purchase this item. Property taxes are anti American and should be stopped. The amount of waste in the government on the state and federal level is ridiculous anyway.

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I agree, end property tax! I cannot afford to pay several thousand dollars at the end of every year. Govt, should reform its spending and building of public buildings, and govt programs not to rely on property tax. They continue to raise it every year as well. I would support eliminating property tax and reforming government spending.

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I agree and on vehicles too, we pay sales tax in Missouri so we should not have to pay personal property tax every year for it either.

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I complete agree with ending property taxes. People that live on the outskirts have to pay tons of taxes for a new school and the ones in town pay almost nothing compared to land owners in country which may have no children. I see so many people that rent so they don’t care about property taxes they vote yes for new schools and others. The actual land owners are out voted every time. So our taxes go up nonstop. I still say it is a federal level item to make property taxes illegal. That is why we made America, so we could get away from all the taxation.


How would you expect your Community to ever be able to afford to do road improvements, pay for their police department, etc.?

Property taxes are a local government issue, not federal. Seniors or anyone on Social Security should be exempt from all property taxes especially school taxes. We raised our kids, we paid our taxes while using the system, we are done!

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As I am aware this is a state issue, I feel once your home is paid and you are on social security there should be no property taxes. No kids, barely drive anywhere and we do have amenities such as the fire and police department. Even if we cannot get no property taxes, couldn’t there be a cap on it such as based on SS income. Just a thought. Thanks for listening.

I ran for PA state senate in 2012. Property Tax Elimination was at the top of my list. The speaker of the house had been sitting on a bill that would have taken care of everything. Because I was a candidate I was privileged to some sensitive information. Part of that was that the bill didn’t affect him or his life personally so it didn’t matter. Nothing has changed 12 years later. We left due to high property taxes. Texas isn’t any better. What’s worse is that homes get reassessed every year in Texas. We didn’t have that problem in PA. Would have never thought to even research that because we had never heard of homes being reassessed every year. People’s homes are being over assessed and too high of an assessment, especially with the market being up and many are losing their homes to being unable to afford the property taxes. We will jump ship from Texas soon before that happens.


Nobody pays property tax to the federal government. This forum is for federal government, not state.

I have been in real estate for over twenty years and have seen the heartbreaking consequences of property taxes. Property taxes are based on the assessed value of the home, an unrealized gain for the owner. There are programs in many states to exempt lower income seniors and the disabled but many require you to apply online which many seniors do not have the knowledge to do or they don’t know programs exist. I have helped many keep their homes by assisting them in applying, so they can keep their home. Then there is the huge injustice, those that don’t qualify and are forced to sell their homes. This happens to people of all ages but seniors are disproportionately impacted. Usually in real estate we are happy for our clients and ourselves when a sale closes, instead I have cried at some. Selling a senior’s home when they have lived their fifty plus years and are being forced to due to property taxes makes me infuriated and breaks my heart. The icing on the cake is telling them they should consult a CPA. If they paid $20k in 1975 and sell for $500k they may very well have to pay taxes on a substantial amount of that gain. For those wondering a reverse mortgage was not a good option for her, it isn’t for many. She needed to save the equity in the home to pay for assisted living when she got to the point of needing it in ten to twenty years. Also, now she will have to go through all of the proceeds in the bank before she will ever qualify for Medicaid when and if she needs it whereas they let you keep a home and qualify for it.

I agree, there should be no taxes on properties that are paid in full or there should be a cap amount of no more than $1000.00 on paid in full properties.

I have to pay $11,000.00 this year and my property has been paid in full since 2020. This is outrageous.