Eliminating Foreign Aid to Ensure American Prosperity Act:

The federal government shall not provide any federal aid to a foreign entity, whether it be a nation or person, including foreign nationals existing within the borders of the United States of America and its territories, until such time as the National Debt of the United States of America is eliminated. This ban includes any and all Non-Governmental organizations, entities, and inviduals who would distribute funds to Foreign countries and foreign nationals. Once the National Debt has been eliminated any aid distributed to a foreign country or foreign national residing within the United States of America and its territories shall not exceed 0.5% per year of the annual budget and shall be required to be itemized as single proposals to be voted on during an annual special election by the citizens of the United States of America. Each line item proposal shall include a yes vote of the fund proposal and a no vote including a disbursement of equal value of proposed monies, going back into the pocket of each voter.


[need to be merged]

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Foreign aid to countries that are encouraging/facilitating illegal immigration needs to be stopped. Add in the amount of remittances sent to those countries, we are literally funding our own invasion. Makes no sense.



Total elimination is very unlikely, but we should make it crystal clear where and for what our tax dollars are used for. See