End ALL foreign monetary aid. Other countries pay tribute for US protection

Foreign monetary and military aid is a dead weight on US taxpayers who see absolutely no benefit from it. Why is the US giving away trillions of dollars of money it doesn’t even have?

If foreign countries want US protection they should pay tribute for it, like all non-dominant nations used to do in ancient times.

Why is the US the one paying all other countries the equivalent of tribute while the US handles practically all the “global policing?” It makes no sense.

End all foreign monetary aid and charge other countries for US military aid. Give relief to the taxpayers. Maybe our nation can even generate revenue for the taxpayers this way.


I like your suggestion of ending foreign aid, though I’d base ending it all on the fact that it’s constitutionally illegitimate. Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution gives zero authority to the federal government to drain the treasury and send money abroad. Charity is not a legitimate federal function. And as we’ve seen recently, hundreds of billions are being spent to spread DEI and critical race theory domestically and abroad. None of this is constitutionally legit.

Charging tribute for protection might be possible under a treaty. The problem with that is that one of the great advantages of the USA, as noted by the Founders, was distance allowed us to avoid foreign entanglements. I think I’d rather see the US defund the military-industrial complex than be a mercenary in its service.

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