Foreign Aid Initiative Reform ACT (FAIR ACT)


America, specifically the American people, are the most generous people in the world. We have a heart for all who are less fortunate, and we can agree in certain times it is prudent to make financial contributions to our allies or to countries or communities who are impacted by disasters.

However, when Congress gives away the people’s money at a rate that impacts our national debt for generations it becomes a matter of self preservation for the people to demand an immediate stop in the endless foreign aid. This act proposes a simple solution that is both fair and fiscally responsible.

  1. No foreign aid may be sent unless the treasury has a surplus. The amount to be donated cannot exceed more than 10% of the surplus for the entire fiscal year and cannot lead to any further debt of the American people. This will force Congress to enact fiscally responsible policies, cut wasteful spending, and shrink the size of needless agencies.


  1. By a special vote of the American People which details the specific amount to be donated, where the money is going, who it will specifically help, and an independent audit from a private firm with oversight that the funds actually go to help the people it is intended to fund.

  2. This Act can never be amended, voided, or otherwise changed in an effort to circumvent the regulations set forth to oversee our reckless Congress and prevent further debt to the American People.


The passing of this act will ensure that the American People’s hard earned money is no longer wasted, laundered, or stolen by foreign governments that never use the funds as intended. It will prevent needless debt to the American People, and empower the people to have a say in how our money is spent.

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Please see my post on this subject Us foreign aid transparency