Foreign Aid is not to be administered by the US President or Congress unless approved by the people on a ballot initiative in every 2-year Federal election cycle.
Request for Foreign Aid is to be placed on a ballot initiative in a short, succinct manner whereby addressing which country, the need for it, how it helps the US and its citizens, and how much. The money is only available for 2 years between ballot initiatives. If not used, the money goes back to US Treasury.
When on ballot, the voters will then give a yes or no vote on the ballot initiative. Example: If the voters overwhelmingly vote ‘NO’ to $300 billion to Ukraine, then NO Federal agency or elected position can provide any money, period. This forces transparency and gives the American Citizen the power to tell the Legislative and Executive branch of how they spend Tax Payer dollars.
I have been saying this for years! It should be up to THE PEOPLE to vote whether or not tax money is sent to other countries. The government should make an announcement that they want to send OUR money to other countries for ??? and the polls open at this time and close at this time. The decision is made after the votes are counted. For an example, look at and see how much of OUR money is going to other countries for Protection, Assistance and Solutions, Infrastructure, HIV/AIDS, and Agriculture etc. MILLIONS! But we have Americans being overtaxed, homeless because of disasters, veterans that are disowned, and seniors that are barely getting by. Take care of Americans first and then consider the other countries.